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How does the adoption of coaching behaviours by line managers contribute to the achievement of organisational goals?

L Wheeler International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2011

Provision of excellent customer service is critical to the success of organisations relying on sales and patronage to survive. There is an abundance of theory suggesting a link between the adoption of a coaching style of management and enhanced performance. However, there is a scarcity of research focusing on the application of coaching in a customer-facing setting. Further, little attention has been given to understanding how the cultural characteristics of organisations play a part in supporting, or otherwise, the success of coaching’s contribution to improved performance and achievement of organisational goals. Using an organisational case study, this research seeks to address these knowledge gaps by exploring the question of how the adoption of coaching behaviours by line managers contributes to the achievement of organisational goals. The research focuses on a case organisation that relies on front-line staff, across the UK, to deliver excellent customer service, thereby helping to increase sales and patronage.

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