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School-based mentors’ affective commitment to the mentor role: Role clarity, self-efficacy, mentor education and mentor experience as antecedents

E Lejonberg, KA Christophersen International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2015

Mentors’ commitment to the mentor role is assumed to affect the quality of mentoring. Although studies have examined affective commitment as a potential source of favourable outcomes in work life, not much has been written about mentors’ commitment to their role as mentors. Based on social exchange theory, this article provides additional insight by exploring the statistical associations between school-based mentors’ affective commitment as the dependent variable and role clarity, selfefficacy, mentor education and mentor experience as antecedents. Results indicate that role clarity and self-efficacy present the strongest associations. Mentor education is also highlighted as an interesting antecedent to affective commitment.

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