Global Coaching Supervision: A Study of the Perceptions and Practices Around the World
K McAnally, L Abrams, M Jo Asmus, T Hildebrandt 2020
This research study report represents data analyzed from 1,280 coaches and coach supervisor respondents, world-wide, obtained in 2018. Study participants include a broad range of internal and external executive/leadership coach practitioners and coach supervisors. This study represents the largest global descriptive data set of coach supervision by executive coaches to date. This report begins with general information about the study participant demographics and supervision experience. Next will be more detailed sections about individual supervision and group supervision, including some comparisons. The study will then examine participants’ perspective on general topics including finding a supervisor, benefits of supervision, and what coaches find helpful (or not) in working with a Coach Supervisor. The report will conclude with information about research methods, closing remarks, acknowledgements, and the research team. This research has been guided by the 2018 EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) definition of supervision which states: “Supervision is the interaction that occurs when a mentor or coach brings their coaching or mentoring work experiences to a supervisor in order to be supported and to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the mentor or coach, their clients and their organisations.” If you have questions about this research study or report please contact one of the researchers (contact information is provided on page 44) or send an email to