Peer Coaching During Treatment Decision Making with Men Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
A Adkins International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2021
One in six men born in the UK after 1960 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and must make a difficult choice from a wide range of treatment options with possible negative lifechanging consequences on their sexual, urinary and bowel functions. This study examines the lived experience of men who received peer coaching during their treatment decision-making after a prostate cancer diagnosis,and seeks to enable the future development of such peer coaching. A qualitative Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was used and three themes emerged from the data: Beginnings, where the journey starts; No longer alone, finding a companion on the journey; A ‘good’ decision and beyond. This study provides a greater understanding about the experiences of men who have received peer support during their treatment decision-making and will help the development of beneficial and accessible peer coaching schemes across the UK.