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Decolonising reflective practice and supervision

C Roche Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2022

This paper presents a critique of current norms relating to reflective practice and coaching ethics in the context of our aspirations as coaches and supervisors to contribute to greater social justice, equity and inclusion in the workplace and wider society. Critically reflective action learning (CRAL) is argued for as an approach to reflective practice that might help to address the critique that reflective practice in coaching and supervision is currently dominated by a Eurocentric over-emphasis on the individual’s self-awareness at the expense of developing the individual’s social awareness and critical consciousness. I argue further that addressing this bias would enhance our ability as supervisors to support coaches serving clients who live and work in a world characterised by a complex intersection of oppressive, existential issues. Without criticality and radical compassion, we risk being the blind leading the blind.

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