Social learning theory
A Bandura, D McClelland General Learning Press 1977
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Transfer of training is of paramount concern for training researchers and practitioners. Despite research efforts, there is a growing concern over the “transfer problem.” The purpose of this paper is to provide a critique of the existing transfer research and to suggest directions for future research investigations. The conditions of tran...
To date there have been no universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a successful outcome in executive coaching. This has been partly a function of the range of activities undertaken within the coaching medium and partly the fact that commercial realities mitigate against controlled trials teasing out mediating and moderating var...
Objectives: Executive coaching has become a respected learning and development strategy. Coaching outcomes and the conditions required for coachees to implement and sustain their development in the workplace have yet to be fully understood. These deficits impede coaching evaluation. The present study sought to operationalise a successful ...
The present study was conducted to determine whether trainees’ general beliefs about training affect pretraining motivation and transfer of training in a large-scale training curriculum. In addition, the influence of social support for training from four organizational constituents (top management, supervisors, peers, and subordinates) an...
Organizations spend as much as US$200 billion annually on training and development; however, much of this investment appears squandered on illconceived or poorly implemented interventions. Scholars have pondered the causes of failed training for decades, focusing on issues such as methods, program design, and trainee characteristics. ...
Businesses often turn to coaching to combat under-performance in training transfer, i.e. the translation of learning from training into improved performance in the workplace. This article reports on a phenomenological study of the experiences of seven professional external coaches working on combined training-coaching leadership develo...
Although executive coaching has been shown to be effective, few research initiatives have attempted to understand the importance of the emergent relationship between a coach and coachee. This article explores the factors that influence coaching outcomes from both the coach and coachee’s perspective and presents the results of the mediatin...
The Collaborative Action Coaching for Leaders model (Cook, 2011) emerged from a longitudinal doctoral study researching coaching practice, and currently it is the only empirical model for external oneto- one stand alone coaching of leaders which enables transfer and sustainability of learning. But is the model transferable to other coache...
Training, mentoring, and coaching are all tools used to manage and enhance the performance of the sales force. However, little is known about the interplay between these learning tools and the extent to which a salesperson applies the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in training on the job, defined as learning transfer. Using a s...
The worldwide effort to improve organizational performance through leadership development has been impressive, with huge sums of money being devoted to it each year. Unfortunately, the evaluation of the impact of leadership development has not kept pace, resulting in little evidence-based guidance for creating programs and interventions. ...