H Bolen, K Fuhrmeister, B Dattner, L Nieminen, D Peterson SIOP Conference 2015 2015
Cites in Google Scholar:
L Boyce, R Jackson, L Neal Journal of Management Development 2010
– This paper aims to employ a conceptual model to examine the relationship processes and mediating role of client‐coach relationship between client‐coach match criteria and coaching outcomes to advance the understanding of client‐coach relationship's impact on leadership coaching.
– Data collected ...
Cites in Google Scholar:
A Day, de Haan. E., C Bertie, C Sills International Coaching Psychology Review 2010
Purpose: In this study descriptions of critical moments of coaching as experienced by both executive coaches and their clients are analysed and compared, to find out more about what works in coaching conversations.
Design/Methodology: This is a real-time direct-comparison study of coaches’ and clients’ critical-moment experiences with...
Cites in Google Scholar:
de Haan. E., C Niess Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2012
Descriptions of critical moments of coaching, defined as exciting, tense, or significant moments from the time spent in the coaching conversation experienced by an executive coach and one of his clients, are analyzed and compared. Positioned within a tradition of analyzing critical-moment descriptions, the study makes use of data collecte...
Cites in Google Scholar:
R Jones, S Woods, E Hutchinson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014
Limited research attention has been paid to influences on executive coaching effectiveness. This study explores whether a relationship exists between the Five Factor Model of personality and coachee perceptions of effectiveness of executive coaching. Thirty coachees completed a cross sectional survey measuring personality using scales fro...
Cites in Google Scholar:
I Smith, M Borneman, B Brummel, B Connelly Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Sc... 2009
Cites in Google Scholar:
E Cox, A Fillery-Travis Sage 2014
Cites in Google Scholar:
AM Grant Journal of Change Management 2014
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270 KB
G Bozer, JC Sarros International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012
While executive coaching is a key means by which organisations and individuals build
executives’ capabilities, very little research has investigated how effective or beneficial this
development tool is to the individuals or the organisations in which they work. The purpose of this
study was to examine executive coaching effectiveness b...
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97 KB
G Reynolds International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011
Newly appointed senior leaders are typically expected to “hit the ground running” and start making
a difference within a few weeks of their arrival. This study explores how they articulate and
interpret their experience of coaching during their transition period. Using a phenomenological
based approach, the empirical research involved ...
Cites in Google Scholar:
V Ellam-Dyson, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2011
The question of what encourages or discourages individuals to be coached, or not, is an interesting one.
Particularly when the coaching is being funded and it has been positioned as a useful tool to aid the transition
to a more senior position. In a study intended to follow 41 executives through the coaching process almost
half of the ...
Cites in Google Scholar:
J Franklin, J Doran International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
Objectives: Despite increasing evidence supportive of the effectiveness of coaching there are no studies which
demonstrate that the benefits flow on to improvements in objective performance as assessed by evaluators
blind to participation in the coaching. This study examined the efficacy of two coaching programmes on
independently asse...
Cites in Google Scholar:
L Sperry Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2013
Executive coaching has come of age both inside and outside the field of consulting psychology, and has become one of its most significant developments in the past decade. This article briefly describes this phenomenon. It also suggests that executive coaching can continue to be a defining force in consulting psychology in the coming decad...
Cites in Google Scholar:
A Levenson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2009
This article addresses the conceptual and methodological issues involved in measuring the business impact of executive coaching. A framework is introduced for identifying the business impacts of coaching. An application of the framework is presented using exploratory study data from 12 matched coach-coachee pairs showing varying degrees o...
Cites in Google Scholar:
S Sonesh, C Coultas, S Marlow, C Lacerenza, D Reyes, E Salas Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015
Although executive coaching has been shown to be effective, few research initiatives have attempted to understand the importance of the emergent relationship between a coach and coachee. This article explores the factors that influence coaching outcomes from both the coach and coachee’s perspective and presents the results of the mediatin...
Cites in Google Scholar:
AT Chinn, JP Richmond, JL Bennett International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between shared industry or professional experience and client goal
Design: An exploratory, quantitative approach was taken to survey the degree to which shared experience
influenced the client’s coach selection decision and the impact on client goal achievement.
Results: Findings ...
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568 KB
M Ricciardi, J Schaller, D Garcia, T Archer The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching: Publish... 2015
There is a continuous need for empirical evidence regarding the impact and experience
of coaching leadership. The purpose of this study was to describe the effects from a
coaching leadership program. The results indicated that the majority of the participants
in the program used the skills acquired during the program (e.g., communicati...
Cites in Google Scholar:
381 KB
P Hill International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016
Despite its importance, there seems to be no research into listening in coaching. Of the few texts that explore it, only Cox (2013) presents a theoretical foundation. In contrasting coaching’s constructivist nature with therapy’s reconstructive disposition, Cox suggests that misunderstandings are key, causing coach and client to review th...
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1.97 MB
W Hofmans 2015
The evaluation of the exact impact of executive coaching on both individuals and organisations is lagging behind. This has been demonstrated by the few empirical studies which link coaching to improved outcomes. This particular research project focuses on the coaching of leaders in organisations. It draws on resources from the fields of L...
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1.18 MB
M Sass 2016
The last 20 years has seen a proliferation in the practice of executive coaching despite the limited empirical research about its efficacy. This research focused on ethical issues arising in the practice of business and managerial coaching (“executive coaching”), which had not been extensively examined in coaching literature. The research...
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1.67 MB
A Gill International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This case study explores the contribution of coaching in addressing the adaptive challenges of senior leadership transitions from the perspective of leaders who have recently transitioned to more senior roles in the NHS. The findings reveal a clear perception from participants that coaching helped them through the critical phases of their...
Cites in Google Scholar:
M Schalk, J Landeta Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017
The purpose of this paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external executive coaching. To this end, it offers a thorough review of the literature and an exploratory study based on the Delphi method with 40 selected experts, who gave answers based on their own experience. The results indicate that the decision o...
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488 KB
FMH Trevillion International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018
Revenue spent on coaching globally is significant, yet data is lacking on the specific leadership behaviours it develops. This study focuses on the debate about coaching efficacy, the components of executive coaching and the leadership behaviours developed through it. The research context is a cross-government, blended, leadership program...
Cites in Google Scholar:
K Bickerich, A Michel, D O'Shea Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2018
The aim of this qualitative interview study was to explore the change-coaching process as perceived by middle management executives and coaches using an inductive approach. We interviewed both executives and coaches about their experience of organisational change, and the role of coaching as a developmental tool for executives when managi...
Cites in Google Scholar:
C Sime, Y Jacob International Coaching Psychology Review 2018
Objectives: Coaches have an unclear role and the industry shares a complex border with therapeutic practices. This study explored the nature of the relationship between coaching and therapeutic practices, how coaching professionals experience, navigate and manage this boundary, and sought to identify what roles they adopt.
Design: Seve...
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80 KB
K Gyllensten, C Henschel, G Jones International Coaching Psychology Review 2020
Introduction: The aim of this study was to explore managers’ experiences of participating in executive group coaching in a municipality in Sweden.
Methods: A qualitative methodology was used in the study. Managers that had participated in executive group coaching were invited to participate. Individual interviews were used to collect the...
Cites in Google Scholar:
691 KB
N Terblanche, J Passmore, J Myburgh South African Journal of Business Management 2021
Purpose: More context-specific research regarding the praxis of organisational coaching was
needed for increased understanding of this emerging profession. Whilst progress was being
made internationally, African coaching practice research was sparse, leading to potentially
false assumptions about local praxis based on international tre...
Cites in Google Scholar:
1.52 MB
S Boysen, T Arya, L Page International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021
This paper examines how the field of coaching has grown in organisations and allows them to
create a culture based on a coaching approach. The current elements of coaching culture and
opportunities for culture enhancement of a specific non-profit organization are examined.
Implications for enhancing a coaching culture are also discusse...
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