M Cavanagh, A Grant Australian Psychologist 2007
Coaching and coaching psychology offer a potential platform for an applied positive psychology and for facilitating individual, organisational and social change. Experts from around the world were invited to comment on the emerging discipline of coaching psychology and the commercial coaching industry. Several key themes emerged including...
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S Greif International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
The review gives a theoretically grounded overview over new advances of research on coaching outcomes.
In the first part general standard outcome measures and different specific methods are presented. The second
part summarises studies that investigate coaching outcomes as the result of changes in pre-requisites or preconditions
for co...
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M Poepsel 2011
The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of an online evidence-based coaching program in terms of goal attainment, subjective well-being and level of hope. Both the coaching industry and use of the Internet have grown dramatically, and some coaches have added online communication to traditional face-to-face and telephone...
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G Spence International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
As the demand for an evidence-based approach to coaching grows, so does the need for rigourous outcome measures. However, despite the fact that coaching is a goal-focused process, there has been little discussion in the coaching literature about different approaches to measuring goal attainment. Given that goal attainment represents a key...
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J Gavin, M Mcbrearty Human Kinetics 2013
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B Garvey, P Stokes, D Megginson Sage 2014
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A Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2012
There is a considerable body of literature on goals and goal setting in the psychological literature, but little
of this has found its way into the scholarly coaching literature. This article draws on the goal-setting
literature from the behavioural sciences. It discusses a range of approaches to understanding the goal
construct, prese...
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LA Simmons, RQ Wolever Global Advances in Health and Medicine 2013
As rates of preventable chronic diseases and associated costs continue to rise, there has been increasing focus on strategies to support behavior change in healthcare. Health coaching and motivational interviewing are synergistic but distinct approaches that can be effectively employed to achieve this end. However, there is some confusion...
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KL Caldwell, J Gray, R Wolever Global Advances in Health and Medicine 2013
Emerging healthcare delivery models suggest that patients benefit from being engaged in their care. Integrative health coaching (IHC) is designed to be a systematic, collaborative, and solution-focused process that facilitates the enhancement of life experience and goal attainment regarding health, but little research is available to desc...
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Y Ives Taylor & Francis 2011
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Y Ives International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012
This paper presents an initial conceptualisation of relationship coaching for single people. The
needs of singles are often ignored or misunderstood, and this paper argues that coaching offers an
effective framework for helping them form and secure sustainable life-partnerships. Relationshipcoaching is here portrayed as a nuanced balanc...
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TP Crowe, LG Oades, FP Deane, J Ciarrochi, VC Williams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011
This paper outlines the potential of parallel processes to enhance experiential learning
opportunities in coaching for mental health practitioners. Traditional views of parallel processes
in clinical supervision are examined in relation to how they can be applied to enhance coaching
mental health practitioners. For example, parallel re...
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G Ladegård International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011
The purpose of the present study is to investigate how learning experiences acquired through
workplace coaching may affect stress. I identify two main learning experiences in the coaching
process, insight and planning skills, and propose that these affect stress directly and also indirectly
through mediators’ job demand, job control, a...
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K Griffiths, M Campbell International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2009
Coaching is a rapidly expanding field with interdisciplinary roots and broad application.
However, despite abundant prescriptive literature, research into the process of coaching is
minimal. Similarly, although learning is inherently recognised in the process of coaching, the
process of learning in coaching is little understood and lea...
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D Drake International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2009
This article provides a fresh look at the evidential needs in coaching by outlining important
principles for the bases of evidence-based practice, the nature of evidence itself, the links between
research and practice, the uses of evidence, the politics of evidence and the implications of evidence as a
basis for coaching. The aim is to...
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N Sargent International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011
Little is known about what happens in a coaching conversation when an executive is at risk of
derailing. Consequently, the coach might be unsure how to manage such challenging engagements.
This phenomenological study takes the coach’s perspective in focusing on this gap in the evidence
base. Findings highlight the importance of quickly...
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I Susing, LS Green, A Grant The Coaching Psychologist 2011
Authenticity, or being true to oneself, has been identified as a key construct related to well-being and the
effective performance of leaders. This paper describes the construct of authenticity in the context of existing
positive psychology and coaching psychology research. We discuss the Authenticity Scale and its suggested
use both a...
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S Greif The Coaching Psychologist 2010
This paper gives an overview of recent observation studies of coaching behaviour and the coaching
relationship. It follows a keynote at the 2nd European Coaching Psychology Conference, December 2009,
in London. Models influencing the research are drawn from studies of the behaviour of psychotherapists that
help to understand the effect...
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H Law, R Aquilina International Coaching Psychology Review 2013
Objectives: This study aims to show how a leadership coaching programme for Nurse Ward Managers may
be implemented in a general hospital with the following objectives:
● clarify the Nurse Ward Managers’ idealised leadership attributes (ILA);
● identify any perceived gaps in leadership skills;
● develop and provide a comprehensive coa...
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A O’Broin, S Palmer Coaching Psychology International 2010
This article proposes that regardless of the conceptual coaching approach, the coaching alliance is a
universal concept related to positive coaching outcome. Drawing from coaching and coaching psychol-
ogy research, counselling and psychotherapy outcome research and applications across allied domains,
the Coaching Alliance is defined a...
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E de Haan, A Grant, Y Burger, P Eriksson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016
This large-scale study of executive coaching explores the perceived effectiveness of coaching from the perspectives of coach, coachee, and sponsor, and potential active ingredients including the coach–coachee working alliance, coachee self-efficacy, personality, and “personality match” between coach and coachee. Using a retrospective desi...
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L Lewis EMCC Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference 2017
Feedback is generally accepted as key to improving business performance and is integral to coach practice. However, the anticipation of this activity can elicit feelings of anxiety and fear. Observations from business and coach practice developed a perception that feedback has negative connotations and is often avoided.
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P Lawrence International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
The term managerial coaching is often used to describe the leader’s role in developing people, but views differ as to the optimal process by which this is achieved. Although managerial coaching is often regarded as a ‘cut down’ or simplified version of external coaching, it is suggested here that the role of the managerial coach is, in ma...
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D Tee, D Shearer, G Roderique-Davies International Coaching Psychology Review 2017
This pilot study builds on previous research applying the ‘active ingredients’ model to coaching psychology and seeking to identify client traits that may predict coaching efficacy. It examines the relationship between the four ‘core self-evaluation’ traits (self-esteem, generalised self-efficacy, locus of control and neuroticism) and the...
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M Lemisiou International Coaching Psychology Review 2018
Background: Research has shown that top performers (10 per cent) often differ from median performers in terms of emotional and social intelligence.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to review a one-year, one-to-one, person-centered business coaching programme with the management and the production team members within an organisat...
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E Ostrowski 2018
The challenges of entrepreneurship make learning integral to the entrepreneurial process. However, many entrepreneurs work in relative isolation and lack opportunities to engage with peers in ways that promote meaningful reflection and learning. This study explores the experience of group coaching as a setting for meaningful learning and ...
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W Berman Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2019
Founder chief executive officers and senior executives in the world’s largest companies make up a distinct, elite subset of the larger world of executives. They bring a particularly confident style, strategic way of thinking, influencing ability, and sense of authority and power that present unique challenges. When they work with a psycho...
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E Ostrowski Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019
Group coaching may facilitate individual learning and change over time through
the social processes of learning vicariously and learning through feedback. While
anecdotal evidence shows there may be potential benefits of applying group
coaching to a graduate school learning environment, there are several challenges
which warrant consi...
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