J Blattner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
This article is a review of a coaching engagement that spanned a 2-year period. The client was an executive with a global corporation. The case study discusses several key elements of the process, including trust, relationship building, and assessment, as well as content of the coaching process. Finally a summary from the coach and client...
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J Burdett Journal of Management Development 1998
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M Ducharme Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
This article is an attempt to evaluate the appropriateness of the cognitive-behavioral approach for use in executive coaching engagements. The basic tenets of cognitive- behavior therapy, as well as its conceptual underpinnings, are reviewed. Following this, a discussion of how well the goals of executive coaching are met by a cognitive-b...
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A Ellinger, S Keller Human Resource Development Quarterly 2003
Coaching has received considerable attention in recent years as the responsibility for employees' learning and development has been increasingly devolved to line managers. Yet there exists little published empirical research that measures specific coaching behaviors of line managers or examines the linkages between line managers' coaching...
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D Hall, K Otazo, G Hollenbeck Organizational Dynamics 1999
Presents the results of a study sponsored by Boston University's Executive Development Roundtable that allow a critical review of the state of the practice of executive coaching. The study consisted of interviews with over 75 executives in Fortune 100 companies, as well as interviews with 15 executive coaches referred to the researchers a...
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R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
This article introduces the 3rd Consulting Psychology Journal special issue on executive coaching and briefly examines the current status of the scientific knowledge base in the field. It compares the emergence of the empirical literature on coaching to the historical pathway created by psychotherapy and hypothesizes that research on exec...
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R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
This article makes the major point that events, feelings, thoughts, and patterns of behavior that are outside of the conscious awareness of executives can significantly influence what they decide and how they act. It provides a succinct overview of the conflict and object relations approaches to understanding psychodynamics and embeds the...
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G Olivero, K Bane, R Kopelman Public personnel management 1997
Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...
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J Sherin, L Caiger Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
The authors suggest the use of A. Ellis's (1971, 1994) rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) as a tool to help clients effect behavioral change in the context of a coaching relationship. The article begins with a brief overview of REBT followed by an argument for its usefulness in an executive coaching context. The authors outline the ...
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S Wales Journal of Change Management 2003
This paper describes a piece of academic research that explores the experiences of a group of managers taking part in an externally-provided coaching programme. It describes the background to the programme, outlines the benefits identified by participants and offers a model arising from the research. Data from individual managers on the p...
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K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal 2003
While executive coaching continues to mushroom as a practice area, there has been little outcome research. This article presents the results of a study that explored factors influencing the choice of a coach, executives' reactions to working with a coach, the pros and cons of both internal and external coaches, the focus of executive coac...
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R Evered, J Selman Organizational Dynamics 1989
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J Smither, M London, R Flautt, Y Vargas, I Kucine Personnel Psychology 2003
This study examined the effects of executive coaching on multisource feedback over time. Participants were 1,361 senior managers who received multisource feedback; 404 of these senior managers worked with an executive coach (EC) to review their feedback and set goals. One year later, 1,202 senior managers (88% of the original sample) rece...
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S Berglas Harvard Business Review 2002
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S Sherman, A Freas Harvard Business Review 2004
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R Lowman Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
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G Allenbaugh Management Review 1983
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CR Bell Advanced Management Journal 1987
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PJ Kelly Training & Development Journal 1985
Discusses the benefits to be derived from the coaching of sales representatives by field sales managers and reviews ways to institute such coaching. Trainers may have to convince managers of these benefits by showing that, despite their time constraints, the return on their investment is worthwhile. Trainers who are coaching managers to c...
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T Maurer, J Solamon, D Troxtel Journal of Applied Psychology 1998
This field study addressed the question of whether voluntary participation in interview coaching is related to performance in situational interviews. Promotional procedures in 4 different police and fire department jobs were involved, allowing replication in separate samples. In 3 of 4 jobs, when controlling for indicators of candidates' ...
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CD Orth, HE Wilkinson, RC Benfari Organizational Dynamics 1987
Cites in Google Scholar:
J Blakey Strategic HR Review 2005
Making coaching mainstream in a sceptical organization is a challenging task. John Blakey, LogicaCMG’s coaching director and co‐founder of 121 coaching, shares four ways to make coaching part of your business culture.
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P Bluckert Industrial and Commercial Training 2005
– Aims to examine the two main groupings of definitions of executive coaching: those which focus on learning and development leading to performance improvement and those which are located around change. From there it follows the proposition that psychological‐mindedness is the foundation of psychologically focused coaching.
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P Bluckert Industrial and Commercial Training 2005
– This article sets out to explore the similarities and differences between coaching and therapy – a subject of great interest currently within coaching and therapy fields.
– The objectives are achieved by examining the convergence of approaches and thinking within these fields, as well as explorin...
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J Bolt Harvard business review 2005
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J Driscoll, R Cooper Nursing management (Harrow, London, England: 1994) 2005
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RA Goldberg Organization Development Journal 2005
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J Hackman, R Wageman Academy of Management Review 2005
After briefly reviewing the existing literature on team coaching, we propose a new model with three distinguishing features. The model (1) focuses on the functions that coaching serves for a team, rather than on either specific leader behaviors or leadership styles, (2) identifies the specific times in the task performance process when co...
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K Ideus Industrial and Commercial Training 2005
– While this paper proposes a methodology, its purpose is not simply to put forward a technique for addressing a problem. Its aim is also to press the question: Why does this “problem” exist? Without addressing this question, one is likely to address the wrong problem, and miss the deeper, long‐term solutions. The author proposes...
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S Kandrup Software, IEEE 2005
A skill central to requirements engineering is knowing which questions will uncover the real requirements. The author explains how we can apply techniques from family therapy to ask better, more relevant questions, which find its way into the professional business community as an activity known as coaching. The coaching model provides a g...
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GN McLean, B Yang, M-C Kuo, AS Tolbert, C Larkin Human Resource Development Quarterly 2005
This article reports on two studies that used three different samples (N = 644) to construct and validate a multidimensional measure of managerial coaching skill. The four dimensions of coaching skill measured were Open Communication, Team Approach, Value People, and Accept Ambiguity. The two studies assessed the context adequacy, dimensi...
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DB Peterson, B Little Human resource development quarterly 2005
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DB Peterson, J Millier Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
In the literature of the coaching profession, the voice of the client is rarely heard. This case study examines the coaching process from the perspective of both the coach and the participant, providing unique insights into the art of coaching. Beginning with background descriptions of the coach and the participant, the authors move into ...
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ER Schnell Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
This case study follows the evolution of an executive coaching consultation provided to the leaders of an organizational system over a 5-year period. The clients were part of a community outreach center in an academic medical center, and the coach-consultant was part of an internal service group. During this extended engagement, the clien...
Cites in Google Scholar:
M Seligman New Zealand Management 2005
Emphasizes the importance of promoting health consciousness among employees in New Zealand. Conduct of life of effective executives; Advantage of consulting psychologists on issues regarding performance management or executive coaching; Aim of Well for Life, a specialist provider of corporate health programmes in New Zealand; Other corpor...
Cites in Google Scholar:
N Landrum, J Paul, R Volckmann Journal of Organizational Change Management 2005
– The paper offers an example of an approach to translating integral concepts into language that is accessible to executive leaders in business without resorting to introducing the complexity of integral theory and models.
– The phase of intervention is data gathering prior to feedback of data, act...
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KM Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
Coaching CEO successor candidates is challenging and deeply nuanced in the best of circumstances. The stakes rise exponentially when the sitting CEO owns the company, resents having "anointed" an eventual successor, and has been phenomenally successful despite the bruising effects of his narcissism and toxic micromanagement. This case stu...
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J Wright Work (Reading, Mass.) 2004
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J Wright Work (Reading, Mass.) 2005
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B Zweibel T&D 2005
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B Armandi Academy of Management Learning \& Education 2004
This article describes the books that were reviewed in the December 2004 issue of the "Academy of Management Learning & Education." This issue of Resource Reviews is dedicated to those works whose authors have sought to comprehend the concept and process of coaching. Rather than having an inclusive list, and obviously given page limitatio...
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M Arond-Thomas Physician executive 2003
Examine six different leadership styes and consider how each one could be used in different circumstances to achieve favorable outcomes. Most physicians only use two of the styles and they may not always be appropriate
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F Barrett Organization Development Journal 2004
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G Blackman-Sheppard Industrial and Commercial Training 2004
Executive coaching is often seen as higher grade coaching that is the sole prerogative of the high‐flying executive, accompanied on hallowed ground by the mystical executive coach. However, the foundation stones for executive coaching – quality integrated thinking, confidentiality, trust – are equally important to all its people if an org...
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P Bluckert Industrial and Commercial Training 2004
In this article the author, Managing Director of the leading coaching and coach training company, Peter Bluckert Coaching, and founder member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, sets out a personal view on the current state of the coaching market. That market, and, indeed, the profession of coaching, is fairly young, but it is...
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C Burton Journal for Quality and Participation 2004
Examines the meaning of the term work-life balance. Comment on the state of balance; Implication of balance to an employee's life; Information on balance as a Protestant work ethic.
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D Greenfield, W Hengen Jr Consulting to management 2004
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K Ludeman, E Erlandson harvard business review 2004
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E Murray Industrial and Commercial Training 2004
Intuition calls upon combined wisdom acquired during a lifetime. It is a speedy, creative and subconscious process that can get to the truth of things without reasoning or analysis. It works sufficiently often to be taken seriously. Coaching an unregulated profession, can deliver successful results through the intuitive approaches of both...
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J Campbell Quick, M Macik-Frey Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
Executive coaching can focus on personal behavior change, enhancing leadership effectiveness, fostering stronger relationships, personal development, and/or work-family integration or specific performance issues on the job. K. M. Wasylyshyn (2003a) and H. Levinson (personal communication, 2003) suggested that executive coaching reaches fo...
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LR Stern Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
Executive coaching (EC) has grown significantly in the past decade as an important organizational consulting intervention. This article proposes a working definition for EC that specifies its process and methods, differentiates it from other forms of coaching, and suggests a set of perspectives, principles, and approaches needed to guide ...
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J Thilo Physician executive 2004
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JH van Velzen, H Tillema Psychological reports 2004
This study examined students’ use of self-reflection in relation to their teachers’ coaching behavior in a cooperative learning situation. Participants were 218 fourth grade secondary vocational students and 12 teachers of different study domains in The Netherlands. Students rated teachers’ coaching behavior. Stepwise multiple regression ...
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H Wade Industrial and commercial Training 2004
Presents a case study looking at the challenges faced by the author, a consultant, in finding the key to open a way through the barriers and ensuring a senior manager was strong enough to sustain and develop her newfound aptitudes. Describes the methodology, its application and what was achieved. Discusses coaching styles and who is respo...
Cites in Google Scholar:
J Whitmore Journal of Change Management 2004
This article confronts the current state of management and the slow pace of management change, the product of years of myopia, apathy and denial. It charges business leaders with being blissfully unaware of the wider context upon which their future depends, that of accelerating global, social, psychological and spiritual change. Staff, cu...
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E Archer, R Morgan Strategic Finance 2003
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G Arnaud Human relations 2003
At a time when competition in the workplace is becoming more and more individual, ruthless and widespread, managers are in turn being solicited more personally. That is why the market for psychologically oriented executive coaching is exploding nowadays. This article aims at extracting the main teachings of this change in perspective, in ...
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TR Bacon Industrial and Commercial Training 2003
The purpose of coaching is to help people change, but real change is difficult for most adults. Of the two approaches to coaching – directive and nondirective – the latter is more effective in helping people change, and it is what most coachees prefer. In nondirective coaching, coaches primarily ask questions, listen, and act as thought p...
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B Biggs Team Performance Management: An International Journal 2003
The article is about a coaching/mentoring style that was developed by an entrepreneur LaFay Davenport. Ms Davenport’s coaching strategy derived from the name of her business – Simply Raw Hair Designs. The name itself implies authenticity, wholesomeness. Ms Davenport has coached, mentored and led staff for over a quarter of a century using...
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H Bonfield The British Journal of Administrative Management 2003
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R Eales-White Industrial and Commercial Training 2003
Before we can grow those we lead, we need to learn how to grow ourselves. This article focuses on how we achieve that through building our self‐confidence, using both affirmative statements and the ring of confidence; developing our awareness and ability to take constructive action; overcoming limiting beliefs though analysis and coaching...
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S Goldberg Leadership and Management in Engineering 2003
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M Goldsmiths Business Strategy Review 2003
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C Hakim The Journal for Quality and Participation 2003
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L Hawkins Industrial and Commercial Training 2003
Solutions coaching is a powerful, highly pragmatic and emotionally intelligent method of coaching individuals and teams. Its guiding principle is simple – find what works and do more of it. The SIMPLE model side‐steps the search for the causes of problems and heads straight for the solution. Of course, simple does not necessarily equate w...
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V Jayne New Zealand Management 2003
There is a whole new hunt for direction and meaning going on today. Combine this self-development fervor with organizational recognition that building people is a good way to grow business and one outcome is an explosion of coaching and mentoring. Executive coaching is the fastest growing area of consultancy in the US, and that trend is r...
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DL Pastore, others Journal of Sport Management 2003
A review of the literature examining mentoring in the sports management context is presented. Previous work has looked at: the functions of mentoring; as well as the benefits and outcomes of mentoring for both individuals and organizations. An alternative approach is proposed, peer relationships. Mentoring at work: Developmental relations...
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JT Richard Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2003
The author proposes deliberately emphasizing rational, creative problem-solving techniques in psychological executive coaching, a process that is essentially problem oriented. This can be especially important for clinical/counseling psychologists who wish to retool to add executive coaching to their services. Fostering creativity can be a...
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B Richards The Journal for Quality and Participation 2003
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E Education, T Programmes Journal of European Industrial Training 2002
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T Dyer Employment Relations Today 2002
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E Elder, M Skinner Employment Relations Today 2002
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DA Feldman T+ D 2002
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ME Green Public Personnel Management 2002
For over a decade HR leaders have been striving to become business partners. They want to have a strategic impact on their organizations; however, many are struggling to make this transition. The primary reason for lack of progress in this endeavor is that HR analysts, the staff who carry out this mission, are still trained and reinforced...
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M Homan, L Miller Training & Development 2002
When an organization brings coaching into its ranks, there is value in the company being the client of the coaching organization and in the individuals being the clients of their coaches.
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JM Hunt, J Weintraub Journal of Organizational Excellence 2002
Managers who coach their employees become known as good managers to work for, developers of talent, and achievers of business results. They also become better leaders in the process. The average manager, however, doesn't coach, believing it would take too much time or be a waste of effort. Such barriers, however, are more psychological th...
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DM Lyons The Academy of Management Executive 2002
The article discusses the importance of employee retention and personnel management in organizations. The retention of high-performing employees is cited as a high-priority business objective, as proven by a tighter labor market and the increased cost of replacing workers. The author mentions the casual dining segment of the restaurant in...
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J Niemes Journal of Organizational Excellence 2002
Today's transformation initiatives—everything from Enterprise Resource Planning to Six Sigma—often require the development of new abilities in a company's leaders. Executive coaching is a powerful tool that can be used to rapidly introduce new skills into a company's leadership ranks. For both high-potential executives and those newly ent...
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RL Orenstein The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2002
This article challenges the prevailing understanding of executive coaching as an exclusively individual intervention. It discusses executive coaching as a complex and demanding process that encompasses multidimensional interrelationships among the individual, the organization, and the consultant. It presents four premises that guide the p...
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L Rider Industrial and Commercial Training 2002
Introduces maximizing the benefits of coaching at a strategic level, rather than focusing purely on individual development, using The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBSG) as an example. Highlights how many organisations are failing to capture the broad benefits of coaching by seeing it purely as an as individual development intervention. T...
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Berry Consulting to Management 2001
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D Mark Consulting to Management 2001
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R Deane The British Journal of Administrative Management 2001
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DC Feldman People and Strategy 2001
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MA Fitzpatrick Nursing management 2001
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J Greco Journal of Business Strategy 2001
When nobody's got time to be a mentor, it may be time to outsource the function to an executive coach.
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TJ Maurer, JM Solamon, KD Andrews, DD Troxtel Journal of Applied Psychology 2001
Voluntary attendance at an interview coaching session was positively related to situational interview performance, controlling for job knowledge, motivation to do well, race, and sex of 213 candidates applying for promotion into several police and fire department jobs in a large city. Discrete preparation strategies (e.g., participation i...
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C Newton Journal of Financial Planning 2001
Coaches have been around since humans first started rolling the wheel. But the professional business coach - especially the coach who specializes in working with financial advisors - is a relatively new phenomenon. A roundtable discussion regarding what coaches do and how planners have benefited from coaching is presented.
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M Oermann, MF Garvin Nursing management 2001
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R Wageman Organization Science 2001
This multi-method field study examines the relative effects of two kinds of leader behaviors—design choices and hands-on coaching—on the effectiveness of self-managing teams. Findings show that how leaders design their teams and the quality of their hands-on coaching both influence team self-management, the quality of member relationships...
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VM Zunitch Journal of Accountancy 2001
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S Porter Industrial and Commercial Training 2000
This article describes a project and the resulting programme to help small businesses to survive and grow through the use of business coaching. It also describes the use of the programme in an actual case study of business coaching. The programme seeks to give the owner/managers of small businesses expert, practical and cost‐effective gui...
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B Redshaw Industrial and Commercial training 2000
Coaching has enormous benefits for both organisations and for the individuals they employ. When good coaching is widespread, the whole organisation can learn new things more quickly and therefore can adapt to change more effectively. Individuals not only learn the new skills they are coached in, they also become better and proactive learn...
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AM Young, PL Perrewe Journal of Management 2000
Perceptions of mentors and protégés were examined to understand how the mentoring exchange is perceived and how perceptions of the exchange influence feelings about the relationship. In particular, we suggest that there are specific behaviors related to career and social support exhibited throughout the mentoring process. It was hypothesi...
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AD Ellinger, RP Bostrom Journal of Management Development 1999
Limited published research has examined the role of leaders and managers in building learning capability and learning organizations. It is speculated that leaders and managers will assume roles such as facilitators of learning, coaches, and teachers. However, these roles and the micro‐behaviors manifested in them remain an area that has n...
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L Hohmann Software, IEEE 1999
Discusses how to develop the skills of rookie project managers. The author arrives at the following points: Establish yourself as their coach; Craft specific work experiences designed to grow their skills; Work with them to improve their performance when they fail; Organize these experiences in a series of steps so that they can gradually...
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P Kellett Sport Management Review 1999
Leadership has been considered an essential part of business and society, although there has been little progress towards a workable definition. It has been assumed by organisational and sport researchers alike that sport coaching is a role that necessitates leadership. The notion that coaches are leaders has been explored primarily in yo...
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P King, J Eaton Industrial and commercial training 1999
Traditional training teaches specific skills and concepts often in a series of discrete and ultimately disjointed processes. Coaching, on the other hand, is an open‐ended process that analyses the present situation, defines the performance goal, combines personal, organizational and external resources and then implements a plan for achiev...
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S Mobley The Journal for Quality and Participation 1999
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N Opiela Journal of Financial Planning 1999
ABSTRACTThis article provides information on professional coaching for the planners who seek help in making dreams reality in the financial planning world. Clear the calendar for all the dates to be scheduled for the coaching sessions. Clear the day after each session for personal implementation of whatever is learned during the coachin...
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DG Rohlander Journal of Management in Engineering 1999
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T Ryska, Z Yin, D Cooley, R Ginn The Journal of Psychology 1999
Anecdotal importance has been placed on various means of developing sport team cohesion. However, little empirical evidence exists as to the specific cognitive-behavioral strategies used by coaches and the situational variables that govern their use (M. H. Anshel, 1990; F. Gardner, 1995). The goal of this study was to determine the latent...
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SK Sauerberg, K Prunty Physician executive 1998
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L Smith, J Sandstrom Strategy \& Leadership 1999
This article explores the strategic validity of executive leader coaching. The authors offer the definition of executive coaching and the distinguishing factors of this professional industry and present three primary strategic interventions that executive coaches make in upgrading the performance of leaders, executive teams, and the organ...
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L Thach, T Heinselman Training and Development 1999
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M Bagshaw Industrial and Commercial Training 1998
The sibling organization is a stage in the development of organizations following the uncertainty created by downsizing and restructuring. People feel the need to invest in self‐preservation, perhaps at the expense of collaborative effort, risk‐taking and shared learning. Organizational defensive routines limit growth and creativity. Mora...
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L Bassi, S Cheney, E Lewis Training and Development 1998
Identifies major trends that are affecting the field of workforce learning and performance improvement: the effort given to managing knowledge, the integration of learning and communication, a resurgence of interest in leadership development and executive coaching, and the requirement by employees that career development become an integra...
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R Brunner Journal of Managerial Psychology 1998
Psychoanalysis has nothing to say about firms or management as such; inversely, psychoanalytic coaching can aid managers to develop a better understanding of the role they exercise within the firm and to better position themselves in decision making and communication with other people. While it is a practice that takes place outside the c...
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LM Fine, EB Pullins Journal of Personal Selling \& Sales Management 1998
Peer mentoring relationships are common in sales organizations, but there have been few systematic investigations of the nature of these relationships in the sales domain. Additionally, the literature from other fields is mixed on whether men and women fare differently in mentoring relationships. We investigate the nature of mentoring in ...
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L Giglio, T Diamante, JM Urban Journal of Management Development 1998
To succeed, organizations must adapt to environmental changes. Executives play a critical leadership role in this process of change. They must be aware of organizational nuances as well as external influences that may impair their interpersonal decision‐making ability. Organizations often provide a coach for executives who are having trou...
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R Johnson The British Journal of Administrative Management 1998
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M Lester Journal of Management in Engineering 1998
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M Maccoby Research Technology Management 1998
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EA Merritt, F Berger The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 1998
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J Salopek Training and Development 1998
Focuses on the findings of `Global High-Performance Work Practices,' an international study by Development Dimensions International (DDI) of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, about most organizations' neglect of employee development despite adequate technical skills training. Career or personnel development planning; Employees' involvement in me...
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L Sussman, R Finnegan Business Horizons 1998
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M Bagshaw Industrial and Commercial Training 1997
Employability can be a new form of job security. It involves a new mutual psychological contract where employers provide self‐development for vulnerable employees (i.e. all employees) and employees take advantage of those opportunities. It is important that the self‐enhancement is in tune with business goals. There needs to be an ongoing ...
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J Krug Journal of Management in Engineering 1997
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M Messmer The Journal of Government Financial Management 1997
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KM Nowack, S Wimer Training and Development 1997
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TA Waugh The CPA Journal 1997
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J Ashton, J Wilkerson Nursing Management 1996
As our organization restructured management, it became clear that a new process for employee performance planning was needed. A new management model was implemented a Shawnee Mission Medical Center (SMMC), a 383-bed metropolitan Kansas City hospital. This model reduced management hierarchy to four layers: managers, administrative director...
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B Bivens The Journal for Quality and Participation 1996
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L McDermott Training \& Development 1996
Discusses various aspects of executive coaching in the United States. Executive coaching avoidance; Benefits of coaching; Qualities of a good coach; Encouragement of executives to coach; Initiation of coach-the-coach effort.
Cites in Google Scholar:
M Olesen Training and Development journal 1996
Presents recommendations for effective executive coaching. Institutionalization of coaching; Executives' reluctance to confide to coaches; Convincing the executive that there is a problem if it exists; Letting executives decide how they like to get information or experience. INSETS: Advice to executives; Going right to the source.
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H Peters Training and development 1996
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A Rubens, M Halperin Hospital topics 1996
Although the already large number of women in the healthcare field and the demand for healthcare administrators are expected to grow into the next millennium, there are comparatively few women in healthcare management. Mentoring programs can help guide women into administrative positions in healthcare organizations.
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DL Sanders Employment Relations Today 1996
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R Witherspoon, RP White Training \& Development 1996
Examines the roles of a coach and how they can facilitate an executive's growth. Coaches as partner who introduces new challenges, options and behaviors; Candidates for coaching; Qualifications of coaches; Results of good coaching.
Cites in Google Scholar:
SA Washburn Consulting to Management 1995
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SD Boyd Business Communication Quarterly 1995
Corporate executives are often plagued with poor presentation skills, and the most time-efficient, customized solution is often individual coaching. This article, written by a practicing corporate speech. coach, describes a three-session approach to corporate speech coaching that has helped speakers improve on more than a hundred differen...
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E Geller, SR Perdue, A French Professional safety 1995
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JW Gilsdorf Business Communication Quarterly 1995
Presents the 1994 presidential address to the Association for Business Communication. Discusses organizational traits for excellence, the Association's tensions and its strengths, pressures from its publics, the middle ground on language change, emphases and real-world needs, constancy and change, and the synergy of teaching and research.
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MM Kennedy Physician executive 1995
The increasing number of fresh faces in the management ranks, many of them with highly polished credentials but little in the way of practical experience in the work-a-day management world, has increased the need for a new consulting professional--the personal coach. There simply aren't enough volunteer mentors to accommodate the growing ...
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PG Stoltz, RE Major Management Review 1995
Gives advice on identifying opportunities for coaching sales personnel. Importance of timing; Anticipating high-leverage moments.
Cites in Google Scholar:
JC Burch, B Smith, W Piper Simulation \& Gaming 1994
Nondirective counseling is a seldom used but potentially effective tool for managers to use when helping subordinates and others in making everyday decisions. In management training seminars, the authors experimented with a triadic role-play experience in which each participant alternately took the role of counselor, counselee, and observ...
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D Good Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 1993
Successful sales managers typically invest a significant amount of time coaching salespeople. Still, despite its importance, very little is known about coaching. To extend the understanding of the manager's role in individual sales performance, 147 sales managers were surveyed concerning their participation in observing sales calls. It wa...
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B Haverkamp, D Moore The Career Development Quarterly 1993
The implicit definitions we give to career and personal counseling reflect a dichotomy between the two areas of research and practice. The field's research focus and counseling trainees' early practice experience probably reinforce the idea that career counseling is prototypically concerned with young adult career choice. A case study of ...
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JM Hendrickson, N Gardner, A Kaiser, A Riley Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1993
We used a multiple baseline design across teachers (with a reversal phase for 1 teacher) to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of a structured coaching procedure on the teaching behaviors of 3 day-care teachers. Structured coaching preceding daily caregiver routines resulted in (a) substantial increases in adult delivery of behavior...
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T Barry Industrial and Commercial Training 1992
In the current economic climate, companies are increasingly realizing that their management style has to change. “Downsizing” has resulted in less opportunities for promotion and managers must be able to motivate their staff and enable them to develop in their jobs. The existing management paradigm focuses heavily on control, order and co...
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JO Burdett Industrial and Commercial Training 1991
The rate of change in the business environment is making managerial work more complex. Complexity not only changes the way managers think but invariably demands enhanced managerial skills in developing subordinates such that they are able to deal with the new realities. Coaching initiatives and steps taken within a large organisation to g...
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CR Bell, R Zemke Management Review 1989
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R Clement, R McCormick Economic Inquiry 1989
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RM Kanter, J Zolner Management Review 1986
Discusses the relevance of innovative coaching methods in sports to management strategies in the U.S. Parallelism between the nature of successful leadership in sports and business; Similarities between motivating players and employees to perform well in their jobs; Policy implications on personnel management.
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PM Kurecka, J Austin, W Johnson, JL Mendoza Personnel Psychology 1982
The effect of coaching on Leaderless Group Discussion Performance was examined. Thirty-six female undergraduate subjects participated in six-person assigned role leaderless group discussions. Trained observers evaluated performances in each discussion, which included two 5s from each of three coaching conditions. Ss in full coaching condi...
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R McBrien The Personnel and Guidance Journal 1981
The author presents a system of behavioral techniques that permits clients to manage their own depression. By coaching clients through the sequence of self-management procedures identified by Kahn (1976) and using the strategies offered by Lewinsohn (1975), counselors have an effective set of techniques to lead clients to successful copin...
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JF Wolf, F Sherwood Public administration review 1981
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S Weissman, G Montgomery The Personnel and Guidance Journal 1980
This article introduces a creative approach to family enrichment. The program emphasizes educational skill-building techniques using nontherapuetic approaches that enable families to resolve difficulties of family members. The meetings, which employ coaching and videotape feedback, enable parents and children to practice communication, co...
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H Hague Journal of European Industrial Training 1979
The subject matter for this article is on‐the‐job coaching by the tutor/catalyst, as opposed to coaching by the boss. In some ways this is a revolutionary tool in that it is virtually unknown for management teachers to go and sit alongside a manager at his place of work and seek to help directly. And yet a visitor from Mars would not be s...
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N Rackham Training and Development Journal 1979
Knowledge can be taught effectively in the classroom, but skills can best be learned by on-the-job coaching. Coaching is a cost-effective way to reinforce new behaviors and skills until the skill feels more natural and begins to result in better performance.
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H Hague Journal of European Industrial Training 1978
My last article (JEIT Vol. 1 No. 6) talked of what the catalyst or tutor could do to get self‐development started, both at organisational and individual levels. This article and the next one will look at what can be done to help self‐development along, once the climate is right and the managers have started to run with the ball. I will lo...
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H Hague Journal of European Industrial Training 1978
I mentioned in one of my previous articles that one of the ways of showing that the organisational climate was right for the sort of risk‐taking implied by self‐development was to run a coaching workshop at which the principles and techniques of coaching by the boss were explained, but, more importantly, top management could take part and...
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VR Buzzotta, RE Lefton, M Sherberg Training & Development Journal 1977
Notes that training and advising are among the most difficult jobs confronting any manager. Professional trainers can help the manager by distinguishing 4 basic ways of counseling based on 2 fundamental dimensions, dominance–submission and hostility–warmth. In quadrant 4, where dominance and warmth meet, real communication occurs between ...
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M Clarke Industrial and Commercial Training 1971
The term coaching comes from the sports field, where an experienced and knowledgeable player watches the way the less‐skilled batsman or golfer makes his shots, and suggests ways of improvement — ‘Keep your eyes on the ball, use your wrists’ and so on. Increasingly the development of subordinates is seen as a major responsibility of manag...
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ML Kastens Training and Development Journal 1971
The author believes that a highly qualified and mature executive serving as a management coach may be a valuable method to overcome communication gaps existing between different divisions of an industry.
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W Wohlking California Management Review (pre-1986) 1970
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