Brief therapy: Focused solution development
S Shazer, IK Berg, E Lipchik, E Nunnally, A Molnar, W Ginger... Family process 1986
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The development and growth of coaching psychology in Brazil and in other Portuguese-speaking countries greatly benefit from the adaptation of well-established models of coaching underpinned by psychological approaches. The SOLUTION model of coaching is an important framework containing solution-focused (SF) elements to help coach...
The purpose of this paper is to develop an interview sheet for use within Solution-focused Coaching (SFC), for Semi-structured interviews and Selfcoaching based on an SFC framework. This article provides a brief overview of the development of an interview sheet and then describes the GF-PRACTICE model, ...
Past research has found that solution-focused (SF) coaching questions led to more positive outcomes than problem-focused (PF) coaching questions. Another body of research (Broaden and Build Theory; Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 300–319) posits that positive emotions promote...
Background: Research has shown that top performers (10 per cent) often differ from median performers in terms of emotional and social intelligence. Objective: The purpose of this study is to review a one-year, one-to-one, person-centered business coaching programme with the management and the production team members within an organisat...