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Academic Coaching for the Gifted Learner.

S Dansinger 2000

A school psychologist briefly describes the use of academic coaching with gifted students who are underperforming possibly because of a disability such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Coaches are urged to first, review the student's assessment data; second, determine the student's ability to benefit from coaching; third, dete...

Cites in Google Scholar: 21
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A pilot study to assess the effects of life coaching with Year 12 students

MA Campbell, S Gardner Evidence-based coaching 2005

A pilot study was conducted to assess the effects of life coaching on Year 12 students’ personal and academic development, specifically evaluating emotional well being, problem solving ability, relationships and academic performance. Students were randomly selected from consenting students within pastoral care groups. Two control groups o...

Cites in Google Scholar: 75
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