Social learning theory
A Bandura, D McClelland General Learning Press 1977
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Transfer of training is of paramount concern for training researchers and practitioners. Despite research efforts, there is a growing concern over the “transfer problem.” The purpose of this paper is to provide a critique of the existing transfer research and to suggest directions for future research investigations. The conditions of tran...
Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping beh...
Leaders should be a key source of ethical guidance for employees. Yet, little empirical research focuses on an ethical dimension of leadership. We propose social learning theory as a theoretical basis for understanding ethical leadership and offer a constitutive definition of the ethical leadership construct. In seven interlocking studies...
The Health Belief Model, social learning theory (recently relabelled social cognitive theory), self-efficacy, and locus of control have all been applied with varying success to problems of explaining, predicting, and influencing behavior. Yet, there is con ceptual confusion among researchers and practitioners about the interrelationships ...
The purpose of this paper was to conduct a scoping review on Co-Active (Life) Coaching (CALC) literature related to health behaviour change. The scoping methodological framework developed by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) informed the retrieval of appropriate articles. Six questions provided an indepth exploration of CALC in the health coa...
This paper presents the lived experiences of eight women academics who were members of a Women’s Group Mentoring Program during a period of rapid change in a university environment. Using a qualitative approach integrated with a participatory action research method, data was generated through the narratives of the group members. The a...
According to the World Health Organization (1986), “health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their own health.” To bring this process and its desired outcomes to fruition, many theories and models for understanding and altering health behaviours have been designed and utilized (Ajzen, ...
There is no doubt that motivational processes figure prominently in the progress and improvement of all areas of human activity, from personal to professional development. One needs to focus on the objective, develop properly the motivational force and have a base of self-confidence. Here we present a model aimed at achieving that goal...
This article highlights how the multimodal approach (Lazarus, 1989) has been adapted to the field of coaching and coaching psychology. It covers the basic theories underpinning the multimodal approach and illustrates the link between the theory and practice. Key multimodal strategies are covered including modality profiles, structural ...
NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) is a communication model; it is about the internal representation of experience and how people communicate with themselves as well as others. In recent years NLP has informed much coaching practice (McDermott & Jago, 2001; Dilts, 2003; McLeod, 2004). Yet ‘the relationship between NLP and academe has b...
In this single case study, the author presented an in-depth description and analysis of a coaching intervention with focus on weight loss, conducted over 10 sessions in the course of 17 months. The client was a well-educated woman in her late 30s, who had tried many different forms of dieting over the years*with little and no lasting effe...
There is a continuous need for empirical evidence regarding the impact and experience of coaching leadership. The purpose of this study was to describe the effects from a coaching leadership program. The results indicated that the majority of the participants in the program used the skills acquired during the program (e.g., communicati...
This article explores the challenges for individuals and organizations of adding coaching to the repertoire of managers. In complex and dynamic environments, a manager becomes responsible for developing people for continuous learning, which transforms him or her into a manager-as-coach. However, the resulting expanded capacities and sk...
Training, mentoring, and coaching are all tools used to manage and enhance the performance of the sales force. However, little is known about the interplay between these learning tools and the extent to which a salesperson applies the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in training on the job, defined as learning transfer. Using a s...
This article highlights how the multimodal approach (Lazarus, 1989) has been adapted to the field of coach-ing and coaching psychology. It covers the basic theories underpinning the multimodal approach and illustrates the link between the theory and practice. Key multimodal strategies are covered including modality profiles, structural pr...
What do we know from qualitative research in coaching and mentoring about client attributes that may be important to effectiveness?
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) has been a significant presence in the business training and personal development fields since at least the early 1980s. NLP as a change methodology has attracted significant controversy over the years with claims and counter claims as to its effectiveness and validity. Although there is little to no emp...