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Peer Coaching: A Strategy for Facilitating Transfer of Training. A CEPM R&D Report.

B Showers 1984

Research has shown that with thorough training, most teachers can acquire new skills and strategies to add to their instructional repertoires. However, the literature also identifies a frequent failure to transfer new knowledge to classroom practice among trainees. Building on previous research, the study reported here investigated the ef...

Cites in Google Scholar: 17
Citations (3 in Portal)
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Proposing a proximal principle between peer coaching and staff development as a driver for transformation

L Browne International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2006

This article reports on evaluation research undertaken in the United Kingdom on behalf of a consortium of leading edge educational providers engaged in delivering one strand of a Teaching and Learning National Transformation Programme for the Learning and Skills sector. The transformational programme is best described as having three e...

Cites in Google Scholar: 19
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