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Transformative dimensions of adult learning.

J Mezirow ERIC 1991

This book presents a theory of how adults learn by making meaning of their experiences. Chapter 1 gives an overview of an emerging transformation theory of adult learning, compares it with other theories of adult learning, and describes the dynamics of the process through which one makes meaning of one's experience. Chapter 2 examines the...

Cites in Google Scholar: 17792
Citations (16 in Portal)
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Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series.

L Daloz ERIC 1999

This book offers perspectives for understanding adult learners and suggests in practical ways based on current development theory how higher education professionals can work more effectively to improve the quality of the educational experience for these students. Using the metaphor of a journey, the book explores the process of adult lear...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
566 KB
Transformative learning theory and coaching: Application in practice

K Sammut International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014

The aim of the research reported in this paper was to discover if and how transformative learning theory is applied in coaching. Data were collected from eight coaches through semi-structured interviews. The findings of the study revealed four emerging themes: space and context of the coaching environment; the coaching relationship; di...

Cites in Google Scholar: 107
291 KB
“It can be Life-Changing”; an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Coach and Coachee’s Experience of Psychometrics in Coaching

T Buckle International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012

This research explores the coach and coachee’s experience of psychometrics in coaching with specific reference to the conversation and the relationship. Three coaches and three coachees were recruited and IPA informed the data collection and analysis. The results indicate that psychometrics affect the speed at which issues are accessed...

Cites in Google Scholar: 22
Developing a healthcare leadership coaching model using action research and systems approaches – a case study: Implementing an executive coaching programme to support nurse managers in achieving organisational objectives in Malta

H Law, R Aquilina International Coaching Psychology Review 2013

Objectives: This study aims to show how a leadership coaching programme for Nurse Ward Managers may be implemented in a general hospital with the following objectives: ● clarify the Nurse Ward Managers’ idealised leadership attributes (ILA); ● identify any perceived gaps in leadership skills; ● develop and provide a comprehensive coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 36
Understanding the Coach-Coachee-Client relationship: A conceptual framework for executive coaching

M Correia, N dos Santos, J Passmore International Coaching Psychology Review 2016

Objectives: There is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of how coaching processes psychologically operate. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed to characterise the coaching process experience and to identify how specific experiences contribute to coaching outcomes. Design: A qualitative design was adopted. Dat...

Cites in Google Scholar: 36
606 KB
Developing resilience and wellbeing for healthcare staff during organisational transition: The salutogenic approach

D Gray International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

This paper evaluates the impact a resilience and wellbeing coaching programme had on staff working for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, during a time when they were considered to be at risk of ‘burnout’ whilst trying to deliver a high profile change in service delivery. The programme and research methodology were designed to f...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
1.73 MB
The meaning of peer group mentoring in the university context

T Skaniakos, A Piirainen International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2019

Peer mentoring is commonly used for didactical and learning purposes. In this study we examine peer group mentoring in the university context. The aim is to promote understanding of peer group mentoring based on a meta-analysis of two primary studies: teacher students and teacher group tutors. As a result, three core categories were fou...

Cites in Google Scholar: 27
2.45 MB
Coming in from the cold: The experience of group coaching as a setting for entrepreneurial learning and change

E Ostrowski 2018

The challenges of entrepreneurship make learning integral to the entrepreneurial process. However, many entrepreneurs work in relative isolation and lack opportunities to engage with peers in ways that promote meaningful reflection and learning. This study explores the experience of group coaching as a setting for meaningful learning and ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
225 KB
Using Group Coaching to Foster Reflection and Learning in an MBA Classroom

E Ostrowski Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019

Group coaching may facilitate individual learning and change over time through the social processes of learning vicariously and learning through feedback. While anecdotal evidence shows there may be potential benefits of applying group coaching to a graduate school learning environment, there are several challenges which warrant consi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 8
801 KB
Using the Romantics to understand the imagination: A creative and original methodology for research into coaching

C Tomlinson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and The Coa... 2020

It could be argued that imagination is a necessary counterweight to reason if coaches are to help clients make truly informed decisions. The use of imagination in coaching is underresearched. Much coaching research draws from psychotherapy and psychology. In this article, I show what we can learn from close and critical reading of lite...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
934 KB
The experience of coaching for permanently childless women: A heuristic inquiry

S Andeh International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

Childlessness may affect a woman’s well-being and sense of identity, and cause feelings of loss and grief. I found no research on coaching for childless women. Using heuristic inquiry, I explored the experience of coaching in six participants (co-researchers), including myself. Findings suggest that coaching helped women cope with negativ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1
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