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Does ‘peer coaching’increase GP capacity to promote informed decision making about PSA screening? A cluster randomised trial

M Gattellari, N Donnelly, N Taylor, M Meerkin, G Hirst, JE W... Family Practice 2005

Background. Very little effort has been directed to enable GPs to better informed decisions about PSA screening among their male patients. Objectives. To evaluate an innovative programme designed to enhance GPs' capacity to promote informed decision making by male patients about PSA screening. Methods. The study design was a cluster...

Cites in Google Scholar: 78
Citations (5 in Portal)
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Evidence-based coaching: Flourishing or languishing?.

M Cavanagh, A Grant Australian Psychologist 2007

Coaching and coaching psychology offer a potential platform for an applied positive psychology and for facilitating individual, organisational and social change. Experts from around the world were invited to comment on the emerging discipline of coaching psychology and the commercial coaching industry. Several key themes emerged including...

Cites in Google Scholar: 259
The impact of an online evidence-based coaching program on goal striving, subjective well-being, and level of hope

M Poepsel 2011

The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of an online evidence-based coaching program in terms of goal attainment, subjective well-being and level of hope. Both the coaching industry and use of the Internet have grown dramatically, and some coaches have added online communication to traditional face-to-face and telephone...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
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