Coaching and positive psychology
A Grant, M Cavanagh Oxford University Press 2011
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This study explores the influence of personal systems coaching on self-efficacy and goals achievement. A mixed-methods quasi-experimental research compared single mother degree students, and included interviews and focus groups with coaches and clients. Findings showed increased selfefficacy, goal achievements and well-being and a ...
The scholarly coaching literature has advanced considerably in the past decade. However, a review of the existing knowledge base suggests that coaching practice and research remains relatively uninformed by relevant psychological theory. In this paper it will be argued that Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) presents as...
The purpose of this paper is to explore performance coaching in sport, music, and business. The paper begins by describing some of the popular, lay methods used by coaches in each field, many influenced by The Inner Game books of Timothy Gallwey. Next, the paper discusses the scientifically grounded theories, principles, and methods that ...
Organizations operate in times of unprecedented uncertainty, complexity and change. To meet these challenges, they are seeking out new and efficient ways of effecting change at the individual, team and organizational level. Drawing on Self Determination Theory, Positive Psychology and the Coaching Ripple Effect, this paper identifies ...