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Masterful Coaching

R Hargrove Jossey-Bass 2008

Book Description: When the first edition of Masterful Coaching was published, it quickly became the standard resource for anyone who was a coach, considering becoming a coach, or curious about being an extraordinary coach. In this completely revised third edition of his groundbreaking book, Hargrove presents his profound insights into the...

Cites in Google Scholar: 773
Citations (6 in Portal)
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Skill acquisition of executive coaches: A journey toward mastery

J Bennett, KDB Rogers McColl School of Business 2011

The skill development of executive coaches remains more an art than a science. Building on the models of skill acquisition and expertise development, this qualitative, descriptive study involved 26 executive coaches, with and without formal coaching credentials. The data from the advanced beginner and expert level coaches were thematicall...

Cites in Google Scholar: 10
Coaching for Professional Development

J DiGirolamo 2015

Coaching can be an effective and integral component of leadership development programs. Popular among human resource professionals and clients, coaching facilitates leaders’ professional growth and helps to build a powerful team—from executives to first-line managers and team leaders. Coaching has a proven track record of success, and man...

Cites in Google Scholar: 27
106 KB
A Professional Development Study: The Lifelong Journeys of Coaches

A Hullinger, J DiGirolamo International Coaching Psychology Review 2020

Every coach is on a journey. The moment they enter a coach training programme or begin coaching, they enter a path of exploration with clients as well as beginning self-exploration, discernment and experiencing profound shifts. This study investigates that journey through the lens of professional development, expertise, and a way of being...

Cites in Google Scholar: 26
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