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Wanted: chief executive coach

L McDermott Training \& Development 1996

Discusses various aspects of executive coaching in the United States. Executive coaching avoidance; Benefits of coaching; Qualities of a good coach; Encouragement of executives to coach; Initiation of coach-the-coach effort.

Cites in Google Scholar: 25
Citations (4 in Portal)
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching: Something to Consider.

G Dai, MKP De, G Hallenbeck, R Lee SIOP Conference 2010 2010

There is a lack ofconsensus among professionals regarding how to evaluate executive coaching. This paper examines seven areas that will impact the way researchers evaluate coaching effectiveness and the conclusions they draw from their studies. Clarification on these areas will guide the future ofcoaching evaluation research and practice.

Cites in Google Scholar: 1
Evaluating the effectiveness of executive coaching: Beyond ROI?

G Dai, MKP De, R Lee An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 2009

The popularity of executive coaching has increased dramatically in both the practitioner world and academia during the past decade. However, evaluating the effectiveness of coaching has lagged behind. Executive coaching is a multi-disciplinary practice, and professionals from many different scholarly backgrounds provide coaching services....

Cites in Google Scholar: 328
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