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Coaching and counseling: How you can improve the way it's done.

VR Buzzotta, RE Lefton, M Sherberg Training & Development Journal 1977

Notes that training and advising are among the most difficult jobs confronting any manager. Professional trainers can help the manager by distinguishing 4 basic ways of counseling based on 2 fundamental dimensions, dominance–submission and hostility–warmth. In quadrant 4, where dominance and warmth meet, real communication occurs between ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 33
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Toward a profession of coaching: Sixty-five years of progress and challenges for the future.

M Cavanagh, A Grant International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2004

The coaching industry has reached a key important point in its maturation. This maturation is being driven by at least three interrelated forces: (1) accumulated coaching experience; (2) the increasing entry of professionals into coaching from a wide variety of prior backgrounds; and (3) the increasing sophistication of management and ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 426
Coaching services: A look at coaches, clients, and practices.

A Liljenstrand, D Nebeker Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008

Coaching is growing rapidly as a way to help individuals improve their professional and/or personal success. Although similar services have been offered for some time, coaching is becoming more widely available and is being offered by a more diverse set of professionals. This research was undertaken to learn more about coaches from varyin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 121
The third ‘generation’ of workplace coaching: creating a culture of quality conversations

A Grant Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

Workplace coaching is increasingly used in organisations. Workplace coaching is conducted internally within an organisation for the purpose of helping employees, managers and leaders attain work-related goals. Workplace coaching methodologies have evolved over time. The first ‘generation’ (1990s) focused on performance management. A hallm...

Cites in Google Scholar: 162
The third ‘generation’ of workplace coaching: creating a culture of quality conversations

A Grant Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

Workplace coaching is increasingly used in organisations. Workplace coaching is conducted internally within an organisation for the purpose of helping employees, managers and leaders attain work-related goals. Workplace coaching methodologies have evolved over time. The first ‘generation’ (1990s) focused on performance management. A hallm...

Cites in Google Scholar: 162
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An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Employee Perceptions of Effective Manager Coach-Employee Relationship

E Albarracin 2018

Previous researchers showed manager coaches face challenges setting up effective employee coaching relationships with their direct reports. Previous quantitative studies about the employee coaching relationship have not fully captured the common factors of effective coaching relationships that contribute to successful coaching outcomes. T...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
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