Executive Coaching Competencies: A Review and Critique With Implications for Coach Education.
K Blumberg Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture 2014
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Personal coaches are a hot commodity among executives these days. But what is the coach, exactly? Strategic advisor? Psychoanalyst? Fashion accessory?
Coaching has become a widespread development practice. From executives to private individuals, people seek for help from professional coaches to achieve their goals. Computer technology might make coaching practice more efficient and more accessible. Parts of the coaching process could be automated and face-to-face sessions replaced by We...
I have a simple yet fundamental assumption about coaching: The purpose is to change behavior. The core of my coaching boils down to one equally simple yet provocative question for the participant: What are you going to do differently? Implicit in that question is a focus on action and a focus on the future (rather than the past). This cha...
Book Description: "A straightforward approach to the simple art of coaching conversations, while offering insight into the complexity and sophistication of coaching for those looking to take their practice to the next level." Dr Jonathan Passmore, Independent Consultant "Coaching Skills is much more than just a book containing a wide port...
The unrelenting pace of business in modern organizations places constant pressure on employees, challenging the physical and emotional resources of both staff and supervisors. Consultants have become familiar with the survivalist mentality among workers, each struggling to improve production, solve intractable conflict, and chart realisti...
Describes the inner world and needs of today's executives and how psychologists and psychiatrists can respond to their need for consulting, coaching, and counseling. Profiles of the healthy, distressed, and impaired executive are sketched, and 3 types of services are described: executive consulting, executive counseling, and executive coa...
Provides consulting psychologists with an overview of an approach to executive coaching that took place over 3 yrs with a troubled leader. An ongoing 360-degree assessment together with numerous "loops" of feedback and developmental counseling sessions served as the baseline for coaching an autocratic and coercive but valued executive. Th...
Objectives: Epstein's (1998) Cognitive-experiential Self theory (CEST) suggests that all behaviour is guided by two different processing systems—the rational and experiential. This brief report presents results of a study baking at the impact of a 10-week coaching intervention programme based on Epstein's CEST theory on transformational l...
A science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. The exclusive focus on pathology that has dominated so much of our discipline results in a model of the human being lacking the p...
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are prevalent chronic diseases from which military personnel are not exempt. While many genetic markers for these diseases have been identified, the clinical utility of genetic risk testing for multifactorial diseases such as these has not been established. The need for a behavioral i...
The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of the executive coaching experience among clients who use both face-to-face and technology-based mediated communication methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a 24-item instrument administered to 108 female (n = 56) and male ( n = 52) participants, ranging in age from 27 to...
Research on video-mediated coaching is sparse, with literature on video-mediated communication in general and different aspects of technology-assisted coaching existing. Therefore the qualitative study researches the question "What is the impact of the camera in Skype coaching on coachees’ experience of being coached?", taking a constru...
A multi-dimensional perspective emerged from this qualitative investigation of coaching presence pertaining to a coach's focus and behaviors during a coaching session. The qualitative methodology was informed by grounded theory and employed sensitising concepts derived from Wilber's quadrant framework. Data came from semi-structured in...