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Origins of purpose in life: Refining our understanding of a life well lived

TB Kashdan, PE McKnight Psihologijske teme 2009

Purpose can be characterized as a central, self-organizing life aim. Central in that when present, purpose is a predominant theme of a person’s identity. Self-organizing in that it provides a framework for systematic behavior patterns in everyday life. As a life aim, a purpose generates continual goals and targets for efforts to be devote...

Cites in Google Scholar: 305
Citations (1 in Portal)
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A dynamic approach to psychological strength development and intervention

R Biswas-Diener, T Kashdan, G Minhas The Journal of Positive Psychology 2011

Many practitioners working with clients from a strengths perspective largely rely on ad hoc interventions and employ a simplistic ‘identify and use’ approach. In this article, we suggest that clients can extract greater benefits when practitioners adopt more sophisticated approaches to strengths intervention. We introduce an alternative a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 653
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