In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life
R Kegan Harvard University Press 1994
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The Evolving Self focuses upon the most basic and universal of psychological problems—the individual’s effort to make sense of experience, to make meaning of life. According to Robert Kegan, meaning-making is a lifelong activity that begins in earliest infancy and continues to evolve through a series of stages encompassing childhood, adol...
This paper outlines the conceptual framework for coach education used at the Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM) that focuses on changes in adult cognition and socialemotional capability. The framework derives from research by Piaget, his followers in the Kohlberg School at Harvard University, and the Frankfurt School (Critical Theory)....
The skill development of executive coaches remains more an art than a science. Building on the models of skill acquisition and expertise development, this qualitative, descriptive study involved 26 executive coaches, with and without formal coaching credentials. The data from the advanced beginner and expert level coaches were thematicall...
Evidence-based approaches to coach training and education are vital if the coaching industry is to continue to mature. Drawing on past research on mandatory personal therapy for therapists-in-training, this paper reports a qualitative and quantitative within-subject exploration of the impact of compulsory participation in a personal life ...
Objectives: To examine the effectiveness of a peer coaching intervention on aspects of well-being in students. Design: A two-factor mixed design was employed. Method: Two groups of third-year undergraduate psychology students participated in this study. The coaching group (N=32) comprised 24 females and eight males (mean age 25.23, SD=...
This research uses heuristic inquiry to provide insight into experiences of generating questions in coaching. Eight experienced coaches, recruited as co-researchers, shared their experiences of generating coaching questions via post-coaching reflections and conversational interviews. Thematic analysis of the data identified that coaches n...
Despite growing research on coaching and its positive impact on clients’ self-efficacy and goal-attainment, to date, there is hardly any empirically based knowledge on which communicative strategies cause these improvements. To address this research gap and examine the role of clients’ self-efficient statements for coaching success, coach...
The majority of the numerous train-the-coach courses in the growing coaching market are not evidence-based and evaluate neither the personal development of coaches during these courses nor their effects on clients’ subsequent coaching success. The aim of our study was to investigate the development of coaches’ career-related variables dur...
The person-centred approach is one of the most recognised and respected theoretical positions amongst coaches because coaching shares a number of fundamental principles with this approach, such as the centrality of clients’ experiences and the commitment to the idea that the client already is in possession of their own resources for growt...
The complementary nature of positive psychology and coaching psychology has long been recognised by both researchers and practitioners. The last decade saw a tenfold increase of articles relating to positive psychology coaching and even more literature attempting to apply some of the findings from positive psychology in a coaching practic...
This paper examines the nature and impact of a leadership coaching program – a key component of a leader development course for the United States Air Force. To assess coaching training methods and understand participant voices, a three-phased qualitative convergent approach was used that analysed student survey data and instructor intervi...