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References (2 in Portal)
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Semantics or substance? Preliminary evidence in the debate between life coaching and counselling.

K Griffiths, M Campbell Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2008

The similarities and differences between life coaching and counselling are vigorously debated in the literature and amongst practitioners. However, to date there has been insufficient empirical evidence with extensive focus on the distinctions and significantly less acknowledgement of the similarities. This paper presents findings from in...

Cites in Google Scholar: 59
Towards a Psychology of Coaching: The Impact of Coaching on Metacognition, Mental Health and Goal Attainment.

AM Grant 2001

A theoretical framework for a psychology of coaching was developed. First, the literature on cognitive approaches to coaching, behavioral approaches to coaching, and combinations of the cognitive and behavioral approaches was reviewed. Next, two studies examined the development and validation of a new measure of private self-consciousness...

Cites in Google Scholar: 205
Coaching: An emerging profession – or just a spanner in the HRD toolbox

D Gray, MNK Saunders, C Farrant The 16th International Conference on Human Resource Developm... 2015

Purpose: To identify the extent to which coaching is a distinct occupation, or task, performed within a portfolio of HR or other roles. To also ascertain the extent to which coaches identify with coaching as a profession and to explore how their professional identity (or multiple identities) are created and maintained. Design/methodology...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
Citations (2 in Portal)
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A leap into the unknown: The self-employed coach's experience of self-doubt

S Petherick International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

This study explores the experience of self-doubt of four self-employed coaches. The study sought to explore the metaphorical meaning-making of the participants, and semi-structured interviews were augmented by imagery created by the participants to visually depict their experience of self-doubt. The data were gathered and analysed using a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
3.93 MB
The role of coaching in developing character strengths in leaders

B Eckstein 2017

Literature in the field of leadership development shows that leaders are sometimes not aware of their character strengths and thus do not use them to their advantage. Even a small coaching intervention using a Positive Psychology framework can lead to a shift in a person’s ‘way of being’ and enhance cognitive and other areas of functionin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
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