The reflecting glass: Professional coaching for leadership development
L West, M Milan Palgrave Macmillan 2001
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Purpose – This article sets out to explore the similarities and differences between coaching and therapy – a subject of great interest currently within coaching and therapy fields. Design/methodology/approach – The objectives are achieved by examining the convergence of approaches and thinking within these fields, as well as explorin...
This article addresses the issue of forced estrangement between coaching and counselling. The separation between the two fields is explored and the consequences of this for coaching in particular as a newly established profession are discussed. It will be suggested that the source of differences and similarities between various types of ‘...
The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (MI) could be incorporated into a model for coaching and mentoring. The research was conducted through a qualitative study using Action Research. Six coach-mentors worked with six learners and devised interventions to emphasise the MI through th...
This study explores coaching and Spiritual Values (SV) in the workplace through the coach’s perspective, using a qualitative research method based on an interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA). Data was collected from seven coaches through semi-structured interviews and from previous research using meta-ethnography. Data from th...
Purpose: This article outlines a small-scale exploratory study focusing upon the impact of a brief coaching intervention on participant levels of resilience in the face of organisational change. The study sought to pilot a brief, three-session resilience coaching programme and explore the impact upon participants’ reported levels of re...
Introduction: National survey data from the US suggests that over the last decade there has been a growing crisis in confidence in business and political leadership, which is possibly one reason for the increased scientific research into the emerging field of Authentic Leadership – AL. Much evidence is starting to accumulate into both a c...
Vague definitional descriptors of the Coaching Alliance Common Factor measurement threaten construct validity in coaching research. Further, differing coach and client perceptions of the helping relationship, and coaching and therapeutic client dissimilarities compound the risk. Ten clients representing a global leadership coaching practi...