Coaching from a systemic perspective: A complex adaptive conversation.
M Cavanagh John Wiley & Sons 2006
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Purpose: This contribution argues for a new way of studying executive-coaching outcome. The argument accepts that we are not likely to get rigorous data on coaching outcome from well-designed clinical trials in the near future, and assumes a degree of effectiveness that is based upon the first indications and the more rigorous studies ...
Few studies have investigated the impact of life coaching on self-regulated behavior and well-being. A limitation of past studies has been their reliance on peer rather than professional coaches. The present randomized controlled study compared peer with professional life coaching over a 10-week period with 63 participants. Results indica...
The remarkable growth of coaching to date has not, so far, been matched by a similar growth in the research corpus that underpins it. There may be several explanations for this, including the pace of growth relative to the pace of research; coaching’s location at the juxtaposition of business consultancy and applied psychology; and com...
Knowledge sharing between employees is a critical success factor in knowledge intensive organisations and depends on the quality of an employee’s relationships with co-workers. Relatively little research has been done on how to incorporate relationship aspects into a coaching intervention. This paper describes an organisational coachi...