Keeping up with the cheese! Research as a foundation for professional coaching of the future
A Grant Proceedings of the first ICF coaching research symposium 2003
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This article explores three major problems often encountered by consultants who are engaged to coach executives and who confront difficulties related to the character of their clients: executive character as a complex adaptive system that influences the unconscious aspects of organizational life, unconscious psychological conflict as a ke...
A review of the recent literature demonstrated that there are virtually no articles or research papers on the subject of intervention adherence or compliance in executive coaching. This article begins to address that deficit by presenting an 8-component model of coaching effectiveness that includes such elements as the coach--and client--...
This paper seeks to bridge and integrate the disciplined and rigorous practice of Design Conversation with the professional practice of coaching within the organisational setting. Argument is made that coaching is uniquely positioned to serve as a tool and process for facilitating genuine and effective dialogue at the organisational le...
As many reasons are put forward for the rapid proliferation of executive coaching as there are sceptics who believe it is a passing fad. This paper, after analysing the results of recent research into coaching’s effectiveness, proposes that it may be serving a more significant space than one would imagine. Coaching is not simply about ...
Objectives: There is increasing recognition of coaching’s situated nature. Different emphases in coaching are being utilised in different contexts with differing performance expectations. Life coaching has witnessed rapid growth within the last five years, primarily outside but increasingly within the workplace. The objective of this r...
To gain a better understanding of the new leadership challenges that diversity is bringing to organizations, the American Psychological Association provided an Interdivisional Grant to conduct a 1-day Leadership Diversity Summit (LDS). In January 2013, 15 leaders who were diverse across dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual...
Although excellent tools and methodologies for developing leadership skills/ competencies exist, there is an absence of a practical and easily teachable model for the development of leadership that is research-based, yet practical, and can be easily understood and applied by leaders, managers, and administrators. Starting with a definitio...