Maximizing the impact of executive coaching: Behavioral change, organizational outcomes, and return on investment.
J McGovern, M Lindemann, M Vergara, S Murphy, L Barker, R Wa... Manchester Review 2001
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Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...
This paper uses an exploration of recent developments in corporate theory and human resources development to suggest that successful corporate systems emerging out of international business turbulence since 1990 constitute entrepreneurial networks rather than bureaucratic hierarchies. Enterprise networks require forms of human resourc...
Organizations are transitioning from a management industrial era to a humanistic era. This transition will require a different set of leadership competencies. Competencies that reflect relationships, connections with employees, and having the skill to unleash the human capability at all levels of an organization are essential. Similar to ...