The leadership pipeline: How to build the leadership-powered company
R Charan, S Drotter, J Noel Jossey-Bass 2001
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Outcomes of this empirical study demonstrated that executive coaching is an effective method of leadership development. One hundred fourteen executives and 42 coaches were surveyed using instruments designed to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. Results indicated that executive change occurred in 5 areas: people management, re...
You have been a true pioneer in the coaching field from 1990 to the point of being Senior Vice President at Personnel Decisions International. Your substantial contribution to this field includes many articles and best-selling books on coaching such as Development FIRST and Leader as Coach. We also know about your valuable PhD study in wh...
To succeed, organizations must adapt to environmental changes. Executives play a critical leadership role in this process of change. They must be aware of organizational nuances as well as external influences that may impair their interpersonal decision‐making ability. Organizations often provide a coach for executives who are having trou...
Newly appointed senior leaders are typically expected to “hit the ground running” and start making a difference within a few weeks of their arrival. This study explores how they articulate and interpret their experience of coaching during their transition period. Using a phenomenological based approach, the empirical research involved ...
The demand on techniques, approaches and processes that have a positive impact on courage, fear and anxiety is very high in general population. The evidence-based and theoretical literature supporting life coaching as a successful approach building individual courage and helping with fear and anxiety is scarce. This integrative literature...