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References (3 in Portal)
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Coaching: The Successful Adventure of a Downwardly Mobile Executive.

J Blattner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005

This article is a review of a coaching engagement that spanned a 2-year period. The client was an executive with a global corporation. The case study discusses several key elements of the process, including trust, relationship building, and assessment, as well as content of the coaching process. Finally a summary from the coach and client...

Cites in Google Scholar: 53
The Evolving Self Problem and Process in Human Development

R Kegan Harvard University Press 1982

The Evolving Self focuses upon the most basic and universal of psychological problems—the individual’s effort to make sense of experience, to make meaning of life. According to Robert Kegan, meaning-making is a lifelong activity that begins in earliest infancy and continues to evolve through a series of stages encompassing childhood, adol...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1
94 KB
Coaching and Cross-Cultural Transitions: a narrative inquiry approach

B den Outer International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2010

This article explores the use of a narrative inquiry approach as a research method for research on coaching practice. It is based on an MA research project on the application of developmental theory to the construction of a stage model for use in cross-cultural coaching practice. Seven international students at a UK university business...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
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