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References (8 in Portal)
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Coaching: The Successful Adventure of a Downwardly Mobile Executive.

J Blattner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005

This article is a review of a coaching engagement that spanned a 2-year period. The client was an executive with a global corporation. The case study discusses several key elements of the process, including trust, relationship building, and assessment, as well as content of the coaching process. Finally a summary from the coach and client...

Cites in Google Scholar: 53
Executive coaching: In search of a model.

M Dean, A Meyer Journal of Leadership Education 2002

Executive coaching is an emerging field with broad demand and subsequent growth in service providers. The International Coach Federation (ICF) reports a membership of over 5500 coaches, and there is likely a large but indeterminate number of practicing coaches that do not belong to that organization. Enterprises around the globe are utili...

Cites in Google Scholar: 47
Executive coaching: A review and agenda for future research

DC Feldman, MJ Lankau Journal of management 2005

The use of executive coaching as a developmental intervention for managers has increased dramatically during the past decade. Consequently, there has been a burgeoning practitioner literature on the topic of executive coaching. Empirical research on executive coaching, however, has lagged far behind, and theoretical work on the processes ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 929
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Integrating action learning practices into executive coaching to enhance business results

V Vaartjes International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2005

Coaching-based development is growing in prominence as a means of enhancing the achievement of leadership outcomes in Australian business. This article seeks to demonstrate how the application of the practices associated with action learning can be applied to support the achievement of practical outcomes within group-based executive co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 37
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The significance of behavioural learning theory to the development of effective coaching practice.

D Peel International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2005

This paper outlines the potential significance of behaviourism and its impact on developing effective coaching practice. Its purpose is threefold: firstly, it addresses the issues resonating from the critique of behaviourism, which focuses on its limited understanding and application within the coaching community. This is interesting g...

Cites in Google Scholar: 89
126 KB
Leadership Coaching as Design Conversation

S Stalinski International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2004

This paper seeks to bridge and integrate the disciplined and rigorous practice of Design Conversation with the professional practice of coaching within the organisational setting. Argument is made that coaching is uniquely positioned to serve as a tool and process for facilitating genuine and effective dialogue at the organisational le...

Cites in Google Scholar: 13
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Hestia and Coaching: Speaking to the ‘hearth’ of the matter

H Armstrong International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2007

As many reasons are put forward for the rapid proliferation of executive coaching as there are sceptics who believe it is a passing fad. This paper, after analysing the results of recent research into coaching’s effectiveness, proposes that it may be serving a more significant space than one would imagine. Coaching is not simply about ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 25
Citations (1 in Portal)
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213 KB
Developing Coaching Supervision Practice: an Australian case study

H Armstrong, M Geddes International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2009

This paper describes a coaching supervision framework and practice and the effects of it on participants in the monthly supervision groups1 . The framework was originally developed in an action research process aimed at improving and standardising supervision practice and consists of a conceptual model and a structure for the supervis...

Cites in Google Scholar: 31
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