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References (6 in Portal)
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A survey of executive coaching practices.

D Peterson, J Bono, R Purvanova, A Towler Personnel Psychology 2009

Despite the ubiquity of executive coaching interventions in business organizations, there is little uniformity in the practices (e.g., assessment tools, scientific or philosophical approaches, activities, goals, and outcome evaluation methods) of executive coaches. Addressing the ongoing debate about the role of psychology in executive co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 47
Can Coaching Reduce Workplace Stress?

K Gyllensten, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2005

Work related stress is causing concern and is having negative effects on individuals and organisations (HSE, 2001). Various interventions are used to reduce workplace stress but this paper proposes that coaching can be effective in tackling stress. Coaching is becoming increasingly popular and is viewed positively within the corp...

Cites in Google Scholar: 86
Effectiveness of a preventive coaching intervention for employees at risk for sickness absence due to psychosocial health complaints: results of a randomized controlled trial

SFA Duijts, I Kant, PA van den Brandt, GMH Swaen Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2008

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a preventive coaching intervention on sickness absence due to psychosocial health complaints and on general well being of employees. Methods: Employees at risk for sickness absence were identified and randomized. The intervention group received the preventive coaching program; the control group...

Cites in Google Scholar: 117
The executive coaching trend: Towards more flexible executives

RA Jones, AE Rafferty, M Griffin Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2006

Purpose – This paper proposes to investigate the influence of executive coaching on managerial flexibility in order to build a stronger theoretical and empirical basis for executive coaching research. Design/methodology/approach – A repeated measures design was adopted. About 11 leaders participated in a leadership development progra...

Cites in Google Scholar: 165
Evaluation of outcomes and quality of working life in the coaching setting

D Van Laar, S Easton The Coaching Psychologist 2013

As the evidence base for coaching develops, so there is increasing expectation that coaching practitioners evaluate their work. Coaches require relevant, valid and reliable measures. Some assessments will do more than just measure change – they can help better understand a client’s circumstances and so assist in identification of appro...

Cites in Google Scholar: 20
Citations (1 in Portal)
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The purpose of organisational coaching : time to explore and commit

T Bachkirova International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2024

In the fast-growing field of organisational coaching many issues identified in research and practice can be traced back to the fact that the purpose of this intervention continues to be merely assumed. This paper undertakes a critical examination of the main conundrums in practice and research that arise from the lack of appropriately con...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
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