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References (4 in Portal)
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Executive coaching.

H Levinson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

Executive coaching requires the ability on the part of the coach to differentiate coaching from psychotherapy while using basic psychological skills and insights. It is usually short term and issue focused. At high executive levels, its success depends heavily on the consultant's knowledge about contemporary management and political issue...

Cites in Google Scholar: 900
When Shadows Fall: Using Psychodynamic Approaches in Executive Coaching.

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004

This article makes the major point that events, feelings, thoughts, and patterns of behavior that are outside of the conscious awareness of executives can significantly influence what they decide and how they act. It provides a succinct overview of the conflict and object relations approaches to understanding psychodynamics and embeds the...

Cites in Google Scholar: 199
Citations (19 in Portal)
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching: Something to Consider.

G Dai, MKP De, G Hallenbeck, R Lee SIOP Conference 2010 2010

There is a lack ofconsensus among professionals regarding how to evaluate executive coaching. This paper examines seven areas that will impact the way researchers evaluate coaching effectiveness and the conclusions they draw from their studies. Clarification on these areas will guide the future ofcoaching evaluation research and practice.

Cites in Google Scholar: 1
Resistance, motivational interviewing, and executive coaching.

P Harakas Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2013

In the sphere of executive coaching, there is great need for the development of mature, refined, and nuanced theoretical conceptualizations. This review attempts to bridge the insights gained from specific areas of social, clinical, and counseling psychology with the executive coaching literature. The article reviews and discusses theoret...

Cites in Google Scholar: 52
Coaching on the dark side.

E Nelson, R Hogan International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

Dysfunctional personality characteristics can derail the career of an otherwise competent executive. Personality predicts both leadership effectiveness and derailment, and assessment of these characteristics is critical for effective coaching and leader development. This paper reviews the relationship between personality and leadership an...

Cites in Google Scholar: 159
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Coach, Know Thyself: The Developmental Consciousness of Professional Coaches

K Perry 2015

This dissertation explores the developmental consciousness (DC) of a sample of certified professional coaches using Kegan's (1982) constructive developmental theory as its foundation. Kegan (1994) proposes five progressively complex stages of human consciousness and his empirical work has found most in the general population to be at the ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 5
Coaching with self-determination in mind: Using theory to advance evidence-based coaching practice

GB Spence, LG Oades International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011

The scholarly coaching literature has advanced considerably in the past decade. However, a review of the existing knowledge base suggests that coaching practice and research remains relatively uninformed by relevant psychological theory. In this paper it will be argued that Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) presents as...

Cites in Google Scholar: 213
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Global coaching and evidence based coaching: Multiple perspectives operating in a process of pragmatic humanism

G Abbott, P Rosinski International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2007

This article highlights relationships between the emerging practice of global coaching, described in Rosinski (2003a, 2006) and six leading ‘evidence based’ approaches to coaching (Stober & Grant, 2006). Attention is given to global coaching in the international business environment, positioning the treatment within an executive coachi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 61
Patterns of leadership behaviour: Implications for successful executive coaching outcomes

KM Wasylyshyn, HS Shorey, J Chaffin The Coaching Psychologist 2012

An analysis of 300 business executive coaching cases resulted in the identification of three leadership behaviour patterns. These patterns were conceptualised on a continuum of remarkable, perilous, and toxic behaviour. It is suggested that the ability to recognise where their clients are on this behavioural continuum may aid executive...

Cites in Google Scholar: 40
Behind the Scenes in the Identity Laboratory

E Florent-Treacy International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

This study explored written narratives of 28 participants’ experience in one executive leadership development programme, to shed light on the way participants explore and experiment with new working identities in the leadership development identity laboratory. The study adopted a mixed-method approach. A series of six programme-related...

Cites in Google Scholar: 36
Self-management and the coaching relationship: Exploring coaching impact beyond models and methods.

T Kemp International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

Whilst there is growing interest within the emerging coaching psychology literature in exploring specific coaching methods and their relative efficacies, little attention has been afforded the investigation of the relationship itself that is formed between coach and client. In addition, any exploration of the personality, psychodynamic...

Cites in Google Scholar: 85
The trusted leadership advisor: Another view from the bridge between business and psychology

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015

With this conceptualization of the trusted leadership advisor (TLA), a senior practitioner provides an in-depth view of the role transition from executive coach in short-term engagements to the TLA in long-term consulting relationships with corporate level and other senior business leaders. Emphasis is placed on the integration of busines...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study

C Kauffman, W Hodgetts Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

The effectiveness of coaching can be enhanced if coaches are familiar with multiple psychological models, can hold these in mind simultaneously, and are able to apply them as appropriate to their clients—a capacity we refer to as model agility. To illustrate this capacity we first explore some of its ramifications and parallels to the cha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study

C Kauffman, W Hodgetts Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

The effectiveness of coaching can be enhanced if coaches are familiar with multiple psychological models, can hold these in mind simultaneously, and are able to apply them as appropriate to their clients—a capacity we refer to as model agility. To illustrate this capacity we first explore some of its ramifications and parallels to the cha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
Working With Symbolic Transference: A Lacanian Perspective on Executive Coaching

S Vanheule, G Arnaud The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2016

The present study explores how aspects of Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory can be applied to coaching, focusing on corporate dysfunction. Conceptually, the article starts from Lacan’s distinction between the registers of the Imaginary and the Symbolic, as outlined in his L-schema, and the concept of transference. It is argued that by...

Cites in Google Scholar: 16
From Here To Certainty: Becoming CEO And How A Trusted Leadership Advisor (TLA) Helped The Client Get There

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2017

An in-depth case study is used to illustrate the transition senior consultants can make from the role of executive coach to a role conceptualized by the author as trusted leadership advisor (TLA) in long-term engagements with senior business executives. In this engagement, spanning several years, the client ultimately became CEO of a glob...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
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