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References (4 in Portal)
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SPACE: A psychological model for use within cognitive behavioural coaching, therapy and stress management

N Edgerton, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2005

This paper introduces ‘SPACE’, a comprehensive psychological model that can be used within cognitive behavioural coaching, therapy and stress management to aid assessment, explain the cognitive model to the client, and assist in the development of a coaching, therapeutic or training programme. Other models, coaching processes and acron...

Cites in Google Scholar: 113
Managing change: Role of coaching psychology in gender transition

D Grajfoner The Coaching Psychologist 2009

This paper reports the results from the first group coaching course ‘Managing Change’ for male to female transsexuals. Gender transition is one of the most radical changes in one’s life. Psychosocial adaptation and social integration in the new gender role is crucial for sustaining well-being. The focus of this course was to explore wh...

Cites in Google Scholar: 14
Citations (1 in Portal)
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Group coaching in a large complex organisation: Lessons learnt from experience

S O’Connor International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017

This article presents qualitative findings from a pilot group coaching program that was conducted within a large Australian public healthcare organisation. Using Nueman’s (2000) three phase coding system and Spector’s (1984) methodology, transcripts were analyzed for key themes (from both coachees’ and coaches’ perspectives) in response t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 17
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