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References (6 in Portal)
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Coaches’ experience of critical moments in the coaching.

A Day, E de Haan, C Sills, E Blass International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research study into critical moments in the coaching relationship. Interviews were completed with a total of 28 experienced coaches. The research highlighted that critical moments are unforeseen and characterised by intense emotions and anxiety within the coaching relationship. These momen...

Cites in Google Scholar: 126
Person-centred coaching psychology: A meta-theoretical perspective

S Joseph International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Coaching psychology provides a new professional arena for thinking about psychological practice. Many will recognise the ethos of coaching psychology as different from the medical model and many coaching psychologists would not recognise a description of the profession as grounded in the medical model. It will be argued, however, that ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 99
Back to basics II: How the research on attachment and reflective-self function is relevant for coaches and consultants today

E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2012

Purpose: In this study the phenomenon of reflective-self function is explored in terms of its historical understanding – just as the phenomenon of transference was explored in terms of its historical understanding in an earlier instalment (De Haan, 2011). As will be shown, reflective-self function is not only demonstrably linked to sec...

Cites in Google Scholar: 29
Back to basics: How the discovery of transference is relevant for coaches and consultants today

E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2011

Purpose: In this study the phenomenon of transference (and parallel process) is explored in terms of its historical understanding and possible occurrences in real life sessions with clients. Design/Methodology: After a summary of the main historical breakthroughs in the discoveries of defences, resistance, transference, countertransfer...

Cites in Google Scholar: 35
Back to basics III: On inquiry, the groundwork of coaching and consulting

E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2014

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to go to the heart of the consulting and coaching intervention and to explore what is its core active ingredient. In earlier articles (De Haan, 2011 & 2012) I introduced two basic ingredients in terms of their historical understanding: transference and reflective-self function. This article hopes t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 8
Citations (1 in Portal)
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