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References (3 in Portal)
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Professional and peer life coaching and the enhancement of goal striving and well-being: An exploratory study

GB Spence, AM Grant The Journal of Positive Psychology 2007

Few studies have investigated the impact of life coaching on self-regulated behavior and well-being. A limitation of past studies has been their reliance on peer rather than professional coaches. The present randomized controlled study compared peer with professional life coaching over a 10-week period with 63 participants. Results indica...

Cites in Google Scholar: 364
Evidence-based life coaching for senior high school students: Building hardiness and hope

S Green, AM Grant, J Rynsaardt International Coaching Psychology Review 2007

Objective: To extend the knowledge base on the use of life coaching as an applied positive psychology. Studies to date have utilised community samples with participants of varying ages and most research has used adult community samples. The present study is unusual in that it examined the efficacy of an evidence-based (cognitive-behavi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 416
What is personality change coaching and why is it important?

LS Martin, LG Oades, P Caputi International Coaching Psychology Review 2012

Purpose: This article explores the concept of coaching for personality change. The aim is to evaluate the feasibility and desirability of personality change, clarify how this fits with coaching, identify a suitable personality model and measure, and propose directions for future research. Method: The above aim is achieved through refer...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
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