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References (14 in Portal)
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K Gyllensten, S Palmer International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
Objectives: There is a lack of research on the coaching relationship (O'Broin & Palmer, 2006a). The current paper will present the findings from a qualitative study that explored experiences of workplace coaching including the coaching relationship.
Design: The study adopted a qualitative design and the data was analysed by Interpreta...
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P Linley, L Woolston, R Biswas-Diener International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
Positive psychology and coaching psychology share a number of common themes and fundamental assumptions. Blending positive psychology, strengths approaches and coaching psychology, our work in strengths coaching with leaders enhances both leadership and organisational capability. In this article, we explore the role of leaders as climate ...
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P Linley, R Biswas-Diener, K Nielsen, R Gillett International Coaching Psychology Review 2010
Objective: In recent years there has been a growing interest in research related to the use of strengths. Although results from past research have consistently suggested that the use of strengths is associated with higher performance and greater well-being there is, as yet, no clear theory describing how using strengths might contribute t...
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E Nelson, R Hogan International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
Dysfunctional personality characteristics can derail the career of an otherwise competent executive. Personality predicts both leadership effectiveness and derailment, and assessment of these characteristics is critical for effective coaching and leader development. This paper reviews the relationship between personality and leadership an...
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J Whitmore Nicholas Brealey Publishing 1992
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AM Grant 2001
A theoretical framework for a psychology of coaching was developed. First, the literature on cognitive approaches to coaching, behavioral approaches to coaching, and combinations of the cognitive and behavioral approaches was reviewed. Next, two studies examined the development and validation of a new measure of private self-consciousness...
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S Palmer, A Whybrow International Coaching Psychology Review 2006
To many members of the British Psychological Society (BPS) it may appear that the BPS Special Group in
Coaching Psychology (SGCP) has come from nowhere to somewhere in a short space of time. It held its
inaugural meeting on 15 December 2004 and by March 2005, it had become the third largest BPS
subsystem with over 1600 Founder Members ...
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R Kegan Harvard University Press 1982
The Evolving Self focuses upon the most basic and universal of psychological problems—the individual’s effort to make sense of experience, to make meaning of life. According to Robert Kegan, meaning-making is a lifelong activity that begins in earliest infancy and continues to evolve through a series of stages encompassing childhood, adol...
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J Greene, A Grant Pearson Education 2003
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RH Elliott Evidence-based coaching: Contributions from the behavioral s... 2005
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AM Grant, LS Green, J Rynsaardt Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2010
Teachers are in a very real sense the embodiment of leadership, providing direction, guidance, and feedback to their students in addition to acting as role models. Teachers may well thus benefit from developmental coaching that draws on theories of leadership. This study was both an experimental (randomly assigned conditions) and a quasi-...
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AM Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2006
Coaching psychology can be understood as being the systematic application of behavioural science to the
enhancement of life experience, work performance and well-being for individuals, groups and organisations
who do not have clinically significant mental heath issues or abnormal levels of distress. Although
psychologists have long act...
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S Joseph International Coaching Psychology Review 2006
Coaching psychology provides a new professional arena for thinking about psychological practice. Many
will recognise the ethos of coaching psychology as different from the medical model and many coaching
psychologists would not recognise a description of the profession as grounded in the medical model. It will
be argued, however, that ...
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A Whybrow, S Palmer International Coaching Psychology Review 2006
Objectives: This paper presents the findings of two surveys exploring the practices and perspectives of the
membership of the Coaching Psychology Forum (CPF), the precursor to the Special Group in Coaching
Design: The study was cross-sectional in design
Method: The two surveys were conducted 12 months apart. The surveys fo...
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R Elliott International Coaching Psychology Review 2011
Purpose: Examination of the coaching psychology literature shows that discussion about leadership
coaching is disconnected from the scientific literature about leadership. Similarly, the latter has only recently
begun to consider how leadership is developed. This lack of cross-engagement between two relevant evidencebased
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