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References (18 in Portal)
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Coaching: The Successful Adventure of a Downwardly Mobile Executive.

J Blattner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005

This article is a review of a coaching engagement that spanned a 2-year period. The client was an executive with a global corporation. The case study discusses several key elements of the process, including trust, relationship building, and assessment, as well as content of the coaching process. Finally a summary from the coach and client...

Cites in Google Scholar: 54
Behind closed doors: What really happens in executive coaching. Organizational Dynamics

D Hall, K Otazo, G Hollenbeck Organizational Dynamics 1999

Presents the results of a study sponsored by Boston University's Executive Development Roundtable that allow a critical review of the state of the practice of executive coaching. The study consisted of interviews with over 75 executives in Fortune 100 companies, as well as interviews with 15 executive coaches referred to the researchers a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 846
Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool: Effects on productivity in a public agency.

G Olivero, K Bane, R Kopelman Public personnel management 1997

Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...

Cites in Google Scholar: 801
Measuring executive coaching efficacy? The answer was right here all the time.

R Orenstein Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2006

This article demonstrates that executive coaching efficacy can be measured empirically. It describes the application of C. P. Alderfer's & L. D. Brown's (1972) "Empathic Organic Questionnaire" to executive coaching by summarizing a case in which it was adapted and utilized, by detailing the instrument's construction and administration, an...

Cites in Google Scholar: 143
Executive coaching: A comprehensive review of the literature.

S Kampa-Kokesch, M Anderson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

The author would like to indicate that unfortunately, Peterson’s (1993) dissertation on executive coaching outcomes was excluded from the original literature review conducted by Kampa-Kokesch and Anderson (2001). Later, Kampa and White (2002) stated that Peterson’s (1993) dissertation was excluded due to the programmatic nature of the coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 899
Coaching at the top.

F Kiel, E Rimmer, K Williams, M Doyle Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

Presents a systems-oriented approach to the leadership development of top-level executives. A structured program is described that is designed to have a positive impact at the organizational level through focused work with the individual client. Leadership effectiveness is seen as strongly influenced by the individual's past, personal lif...

Cites in Google Scholar: 230
Coaching and executive character: Core problems and basic approaches.

RR Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1997

This article explores three major problems often encountered by consultants who are engaged to coach executives and who confront difficulties related to the character of their clients: executive character as a complex adaptive system that influences the unconscious aspects of organizational life, unconscious psychological conflict as a ke...

Cites in Google Scholar: 149
Executive coaching at work: The art of one-on-one change.

DB Peterson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

Outlines the 5 research-based strategies that guide one-on-one coaching by a management consulting firm: forge a partnership, inspire commitment, grow skills, promote persistence, and shape the environment. The case study of a typical targeted coaching participant (a female executive who sought to develop stronger relationships with inter...

Cites in Google Scholar: 442
Coaching executives.

LL Tobias Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

Describes a systems-based approach to executive coaching that attempts to maximize the consideration of contextual factors. The case study of a 44-yr-old male executive illustrates this approach. The author notes that perhaps the greatest danger in coaching individuals from organizations in which there is no ongoing consulting relationshi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 393
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: Four case studies of a new tool for executive coaching and restoring employee performance after setbacks.

S Foster, J Lendl Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

The effects of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) integrated into executive coaching are reported in 4 case studies illustrating varied job titles and industries. Participants received 1–10 hrs of coaching in which EMDR was used to desensitize an upsetting event that had impaired their performance at work. Outcomes indic...

Cites in Google Scholar: 110
Media perceptions of executive coaching and the formal preparation of coaches.

AN Garman, DL Whiston, K Zlatoper Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2000

Seventy-two articles on executive coaching appearing in mainstream and trade management publications between 1991 and 1998 were analyzed to determine (a) general opinions of the practice of executive coaching and (b) the extent to which training in psychology was described as relevant and useful to coaching practice. A content analysis me...

Cites in Google Scholar: 186
Coaching high achievers.

G Jones, K Spooner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2006

This investigation used semistructured interviews with coaches (n = 7) and high achievers (n = 14) from business and sports to identify common characteristics of high achievers that are important to take into account when coaching them, coaching needs of high achievers, and key implications for the practice of coaching high achievers. Con...

Cites in Google Scholar: 167
The three-way mirror of executive coaching

D Luebbe 2005

The purpose of the study was to investigate executive caching practices, coach behaviors, attributes, and skills that result in the most effective coaching outcomes as perceived by three groups-the coach, the coachee who is the recipient of coaching, and the human resource brokers of coaching services in an organization. In the qualitati...

Cites in Google Scholar: 54
Executive coaching

G Blackman-Sheppard Industrial and Commercial Training 2004

Executive coaching is often seen as higher grade coaching that is the sole prerogative of the high‐flying executive, accompanied on hallowed ground by the mystical executive coach. However, the foundation stones for executive coaching – quality integrated thinking, confidentiality, trust – are equally important to all its people if an org...

Cites in Google Scholar: 901
Coping imagery

S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2008

This article describes coping imagery, an established visualisation technique. Coping imagery can reduce stress and increase confidence and performance before challenging situations.

Cites in Google Scholar: 14
A critical review

J Passmore International Coaching Psychology Review 2010

Objectives: This study sought to identify the key behaviours used by executive coaches that were perceived by coachees to have the most favourable impact on their experience and progress. Design: The study used a semi-structured interview design within a qualitative approach. Methods: Grounded theory was employed to analyse the transcr...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1112
Citations (3 in Portal)
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Developing an agenda for teaching coaching psychology

A Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2011

The research and practice of coaching psychology has developed considerably over the past 10 years. However, if coaching psychology is to continue to grow and develop, an educational and teaching framework needs to be established. Very little attention has been paid in the published literature to the teaching of coaching psychology. Th...

Cites in Google Scholar: 98
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