Thrice upon a time: Narrative structure and psychology as a platform for coaching
D Drake 2008
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This article looks at contributions from narrative psychology to coaching and, in doing so, demonstrates how to reflexively bring material from an existing literature into the coaching context and inform the emerging domain of coaching psychology. The first section looks at the self as performance, the nature of stories, and the process o...
Attachment theory is a well-established body of work in developmental psychology. In this article, I provide an overview of the key elements of the theory and demonstrate how it can be used in coaching leaders. In connecting the ‘working models’ they use as adults with the cognitive and interpersonal patterns they developed as children...
The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of some of the debates and controversies surrounding formulation, and to highlight ways of navigating these debates more successfully for the benefits of ourselves, our clients and the future development of our profession. The concept of formulation, that is an explanatory account of the issu...
Coaches and clients can make more conscious and generative choices when they have greater somatic self-awareness.
This article looks at four roles coaches can play to accelerate client outcomes, the value of threshold moments as zones of proximal development, and the case for MVIs (Minimum Viable Interventions) in supporting change.