Maximizing the impact of executive coaching: Behavioral change, organizational outcomes, and return on investment.
J McGovern, M Lindemann, M Vergara, S Murphy, L Barker, R Wa... Manchester Review 2001
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Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...
The classification of strengths presented in this book is intended to reclaim the study of character and virtue as legitimate topics of psychological inquiry and informed societal discourse. By providing ways of talking about character strengths and measuring them across the life span, this classification will start to make possible a sci...
This study examined the effects of executive coaching on multisource feedback over time. Participants were 1,361 senior managers who received multisource feedback; 404 of these senior managers worked with an executive coach (EC) to review their feedback and set goals. One year later, 1,202 senior managers (88% of the original sample) rece...
A science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. The exclusive focus on pathology that has dominated so much of our discipline results in a model of the human being lacking the p...
Positive psychology has flourished in the last 5 years. The authors review recent developments in the field, including books, meetings, courses, and conferences. They also discuss the newly created classification of character strengths and virtues, a positive complement to the various editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of M...
This report discusses ways to enhance leadership development in the work setting. It describes a type of advocate role, called process advisor (PA), that was developed specifically for individuals undergoing developmental experiences in a leadership program. The PA concept helps advisees learn with and from the PA, allowing advisees to be...
Focuses on coaching, the latest “fix” in corporate life, and how the workplace is changing from authoritarian bosses and jobs for life towards self directed learning and portfolio careers. Outlines how the Virgin Empire was built using a coaching culture and provides case histories of the implementation of coaching and coach training in t...
The use of external business coaches to improve the performance and competence of employees is increasing dramatically. However, there is still little empirical research attesting to its effectiveness in achieving business goals, and there is no universally accepted way of evaluating its added value to the individual or the organisatio...
This study is exploratory and looks for meaningful ways of differentiating coaching approaches used by UK practitioners as a way of establishing a more solid foundation for comparative and evaluative research. The paper briefly explores how coaching is defined, arguing that current definitions provide an inadequate foundation for theor...
This paper seeks to bridge and integrate the disciplined and rigorous practice of Design Conversation with the professional practice of coaching within the organisational setting. Argument is made that coaching is uniquely positioned to serve as a tool and process for facilitating genuine and effective dialogue at the organisational le...
Objectives: There is increasing recognition of coaching’s situated nature. Different emphases in coaching are being utilised in different contexts with differing performance expectations. Life coaching has witnessed rapid growth within the last five years, primarily outside but increasingly within the workplace. The objective of this r...
There has been a significant increase in the number of paramedic practitioners leaving the profession, in relation to the increased anxiety and stress associated with the evolving, diverse role, and increased workload. The ambulance services are struggling nationally to recruit the numbers of staff required to support the current healthca...