Making coaching work: Creating a coaching culture
D Clutterbuck, D Megginson Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2005
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Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...
Despite its high media profile and growing popularity there have been no empirical investigations of the impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition or mental health. This exploratory study used life coaching as a means of exploring key metacognitive factors involved as individuals move towards goal attainment. In a within-s...
In a randomised controlled study, 41 executives in a public health agency received 360-degree feedback, a half-day leadership workshop, and four individual coaching sessions over 10 weeks. The coaching used a cognitive-behavioural solution-focused approach. Quantitative and qualitative measures were taken. This is the first published rand...
Evidence-based approaches to coach training and education are vital if the coaching industry is to continue to mature. Drawing on past research on mandatory personal therapy for therapists-in-training, this paper reports a qualitative and quantitative within-subject exploration of the impact of compulsory participation in a personal life ...
Following the establishment of a peer supervision group for coaching psychologists in late 2007, this paper provides a progress report on how the group is working, together with background on why it was set up, its aims and practical arrangements. It also provides a summary of the discussions at a workshop held as part of the 2008 SGCP...
Although many managers receive training in workplace coaching skills in order to enhance employees' performance and facilitate organizational change, little is known about managers' perceptions of the costs and benefits of adopting workplace coaching behaviors. This study explored the relationships between workplace coaching skills and th...
This article presents some practical insights, strategies and tips about how to help organisations embed leadership coaching skills in the workplace following participation by executives and managers in ‘Leader as Coach’ development programs. Given that organisations globally are increasingly using such programs as part of leadership deve...
The present business environment of extreme competition and rapid changes has motivated scholars to identify variables that can help companies stand up to and overcome these challenges. Research on self-regulation found that self-perceptions of efficacy not only can mediate the effects of external influences on results, but can also regul...
Although coaching is widely being used as a means for leadership development, very little is known regarding CEOs' perceived value of coaching and those factors that influence these perceptions. Using 583 complete surveys from a national US survey of hospitals, this article examines the relationship of organisational and individual charac...
Coaching draws on disciplines such as psychology, management theory, and organisational development. From these disciplines, models that seek both focused solutions to problems and those that aim to effect transformative learning have been developed. My work with students has revealed some dissatisfaction with performance coaching models ...
Workplace coaching is increasingly used in organisations. Workplace coaching is conducted internally within an organisation for the purpose of helping employees, managers and leaders attain work-related goals. Workplace coaching methodologies have evolved over time. The first ‘generation’ (1990s) focused on performance management. A hallm...
Workplace coaching is increasingly used in organisations. Workplace coaching is conducted internally within an organisation for the purpose of helping employees, managers and leaders attain work-related goals. Workplace coaching methodologies have evolved over time. The first ‘generation’ (1990s) focused on performance management. A hallm...
The term managerial coaching is often used to describe the leader’s role in developing people, but views differ as to the optimal process by which this is achieved. Although managerial coaching is often regarded as a ‘cut down’ or simplified version of external coaching, it is suggested here that the role of the managerial coach is, in ma...
The demand on techniques, approaches and processes that have a positive impact on courage, fear and anxiety is very high in general population. The evidence-based and theoretical literature supporting life coaching as a successful approach building individual courage and helping with fear and anxiety is scarce. This integrative literature...
The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived impact of executive coaching upon students in an enabling education programme at CQUniversity, Queensland. While there are shared philosophical underpinnings for enabling education and executive coaching, there are also clear distinctions between the two, which have ramifications for t...
This paper examines the nature and impact of a leadership coaching program – a key component of a leader development course for the United States Air Force. To assess coaching training methods and understand participant voices, a three-phased qualitative convergent approach was used that analysed student survey data and instructor intervi...