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References (31 in Portal)
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Hidden in plain sight: The active ingredients of executive coaching.

D McKenna, SL Davis Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Sc... 2009

We propose that I/O psychologists who coach executives have overlooked psychotherapy outcome research as a source of information and ideas that can be used to improve our executive coaching practices. This research, based on thousands of studies and many meta-analyses, has converged on the conclusion that four ‘‘active ingredients’’ accou...

Cites in Google Scholar: 295
Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification

MEP Seligman, C Peterson Oxford University Press 2004

The classification of strengths presented in this book is intended to reclaim the study of character and virtue as legitimate topics of psychological inquiry and informed societal discourse. By providing ways of talking about character strengths and measuring them across the life span, this classification will start to make possible a sci...

Cites in Google Scholar: 16343
Leadership: time for a new direction?

B Alimo-Metcalfe, J Alban-Metcalfe Leadership 2005

After reviewing the literature on leadership that culminated in what has been described as the ‘New Paradigm’, this article discusses the research which has led to the development of what might be regarded as a ‘New New Paradigm’ model. The research was based on a gender-inclusive and black and minority ethnic-inclusive sample of over 3,5...

Cites in Google Scholar: 444
Reflective practice for sport psychologists: concepts, models, practical implications, and thoughts on dissemination.

A Anderson, Z Knowles, D Gilbourne, others Sport Psychologist 2004

Current training models appear ill equipped to support sport psychology trainees in learning the requisite humanistic skills to provide athlete-centred services. The aim of this paper is to build a case for the value of reflective practice as an approach to professional training and development that can assist practitioners in effectively...

Cites in Google Scholar: 394
Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series.

L Daloz ERIC 1999

This book offers perspectives for understanding adult learners and suggests in practical ways based on current development theory how higher education professionals can work more effectively to improve the quality of the educational experience for these students. Using the metaphor of a journey, the book explores the process of adult lear...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
Multimodal therapy: A useful model for the executive coach.

JT Richard Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1999

The author suggests the use of Arnold A. Lazarus's multimodal therapy model as an integrative and holistic approach to executive coaching. So as not to overlook any significant factors, the coach evaluates the executive on seven dimensions. The eclectic-oriented practitioner is encouraged to use a variety of interventions and tests that u...

Cites in Google Scholar: 131
Duty of care in an unregulated industry: Initial findings on the diversity and practices of Australian coaches

GB Spence, M Cavanagh, AM Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Little has been reported about the skills, experience and training of coaches in the Australian context, yet these are critical factors in the ethical practice of coaching. Previous research and experience suggests that formal coach training varies considerably in terms of curricula and quality. At the same time, data is emerging that ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 85
The proposal to establish a Special Group in Coaching Psychology

S Palmer, A Whybrow The Coaching Psychologist 2005

A large majority of Society members who voted for or against the proposal to set up a Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP) did not actually see the proposal on which they were voting. This is just an anomaly of the way subsystems are set up within the Society. We have 14 versions of the working document which gradually changed a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 61
Coaching Psychology: Coming of Age?

A Whybrow International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

What does it mean to be a ‘coaching psychologist’? At the turn of this century, the phrases ‘coaching psychology’ and ‘coaching psychologist’ had rarely been conceived and infrequently used. Here, in 2008, we find an emergent profession of Coaching Psychology and with thousands of practitioners spread across the globe, characterised by...

Cites in Google Scholar: 110
Shifting perspectives: One year into the development of the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology in the UK

A Whybrow, S Palmer International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Objectives: This paper presents the findings from a follow-up survey exploring the practice and opinions of the membership of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP). Design: The study was cross sectional in design. Method: This survey of Coaching Psychologists was conducted in December, 2005, 12 months after the formation of ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 26
Strengths coaching: A potential-guided approach to coaching psychology.

P Linley, S Harrington International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

As unlikely as it might seem, strengths have been a much neglected topic in psychology until relatively recently. In this article, we provide an historical context for the study of psychological strengths before going on to consider three approaches to understanding strengths. We locate a psychological understanding of strengths in the...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
Citations (8 in Portal)
Forward in Time
The influence of the Five Factor Model of personality on the perceived effectiveness of executive coaching.

R Jones, S Woods, E Hutchinson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014

Limited research attention has been paid to influences on executive coaching effectiveness. This study explores whether a relationship exists between the Five Factor Model of personality and coachee perceptions of effectiveness of executive coaching. Thirty coachees completed a cross sectional survey measuring personality using scales fro...

Cites in Google Scholar: 62
Third generation coaching: Reconstructing dialogues through collaborative practice and a focus on values

R Stelter International Coaching Psychology Review 2014

Third generation coaching unfolds a new universe for coaching and coaching psychology in the framework of current social research, new learning theories and discourses about personal leadership. Third generation coaching views coaching in a societal perspective. Coaching has become important as a form of dialogue because the (hyper)com...

Cites in Google Scholar: 79
Evaluating Coaching Effectiveness

L Matthewman Coaching Psychology International 2009

This article discusses the importance of evaluation coaching effectiveness with specific reference to effectiveness, cost effectiveness, cost-benefit and value to the organisation in the current economic climate.

Cites in Google Scholar: 328
Art-based narrative interviewing as a dual methodological process: A participatory research method and an approach to coaching in secondary education

Q Wang International Coaching Psychology Review 2016

Objectives: The purpose of this article is to discuss art-based narrative interviewing as a dual methodological process with the focus on coaching. Design: A qualitative study was designed in order to explore how secondary students view their own learning as a journey. Method: Art-based narrative interviewing was employed as an appr...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
Increasing the Number of Women in Leadership - How Coaching Can Really Work

S Bonneywell, E Kovacs EMCC Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference 2017

Organisations have been attempting to close the gender gap for many years, often with only limited success. GSK the global healthcare company, has implemented an innovative development initiative utilising both individual coaching and group coaching, simultaneously to support the development of female leaders. This case study research was...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
The impact of peer-to-peer coaching on self-esteem, test anxiety and perceived stress in adolescents

N Warner, M Budd The Coaching Psychologist 2018

Schools are increasingly using peer support programmes to support students. This study will explore the effectiveness of peer-to-peer coaching on increasing self-esteem and reducing test anxiety and perceived stress in sixth form students. Fifty-five participants took part in the study. IGROW, a variation of the GROW coaching model, was u...

Cites in Google Scholar: 12
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The Chronological Development of Coaching and Mentoring: Side by Side Disciplines

R Koopman, P Englis, M Ehrenhard, A Groen International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

Interest in coaching and mentoring has increased over the past decades. However, confusion about what is meant in practice and in the literature and the lack of sound definitions makes it hard to research the antecedents and outcomes of both concepts. We show that coaching and mentoring share a lot, but they are often treated as separate...

Cites in Google Scholar: 50
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