Sales coaching: Making the great leap from sales manager to sales coach
L Richardson McGraw Hill Professional 2008
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The present business environment of extreme competition and rapid changes has motivated scholars to identify variables that can help companies stand up to and overcome these challenges. Research on self-regulation found that self-perceptions of efficacy not only can mediate the effects of external influences on results, but can also regul...
Purpose – This paper's aim is to provide an empirical test of the assumption that coaching impacts salespeople's attitudes and behaviors under various contingencies. Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses the survey responses of 2,532 salespeople and regression analyses. Findings – Salesperson‐organization value fit reduces...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent bank manager's coaching, a managerial relationship behavior based on mutual trust, openness and quality of exchanges, affects front-line employee's performance through the mediating effect of salesperson's customer orientation. Design/methodology/approach – The pape...
Coaching has been identified as a key managerial behavior that organizations must promote to develop employees and achieve higher levels of performance. Despite this agreement and an increasing interest in coaching, there is still a paucity of studies exploring the impact of coaching on individual performance. This article presents an emp...