Evidence Based Coaching Handbook: Putting Best Practices to Work for Your Clients
A Grant, D Stober John Wiley & Sons 2006
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Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind. Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we...
Executive coaching has been proposed as an intervention that helps executives improve their performance, and achieve the goals of the organization. Goals direct attention and goal-setting is a proven practical managerial tool. People higher in self-efficacy are more committed to goals, find and use better task strategies to attain the goa...
This case study follows the evolution of an executive coaching consultation provided to the leaders of an organizational system over a 5-year period. The clients were part of a community outreach center in an academic medical center, and the coach-consultant was part of an internal service group. During this extended engagement, the clien...
This article provides a fresh look at the evidential needs in coaching by outlining important principles for the bases of evidence-based practice, the nature of evidence itself, the links between research and practice, the uses of evidence, the politics of evidence and the implications of evidence as a basis for coaching. The aim is to...
In this article we describe a recent and important development within the Danish Psychological Association with the creation of the Society of Evidence-based Coaching, the first society in Danish psychological history to deal specifically with coaching and psychology as a distinct profession. Being three of the founding psychologists a...
Objectives: Previous studies on the effectiveness of coaching have focused on positive outcomes that clients, coaches and organisational colleagues attribute to engaging in coaching overall. In this study descriptions of critical moments of coaching as experienced by executive coaching clients, their coaches and their sponsors are anal...
Objectives: This paper describes an independently conducted research study to develop appropriate measures and evaluate the coaching/mentoring programme that the London Deanery had been running for over five years. It also aims to explore specific challenges in the evaluation of a large-scale coaching programme and to suggest new solut...
There has been an almost exponential growth in the amount of coaching-specific and coaching-related research over the past ten years. At the same time there has been considerable interest in the development of evidence-based approaches to coaching, and many coaching practitioners have incorporated the phrase into their terms of reference...
Organizations operate in times of unprecedented uncertainty, complexity and change. To meet these challenges, they are seeking out new and efficient ways of effecting change at the individual, team and organizational level. Drawing on Self Determination Theory, Positive Psychology and the Coaching Ripple Effect, this paper identifies ...