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References (12 in Portal)
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The coach-coachee relationship in executive coaching: A field study.

L Baron, L Morin Human Resource Development Quarterly 2009

Numerous authors have suggested that the working relationship between coach and coachee constitutes an essential condition to the success of executive coaching. This study empirically investigated the links between the coach-coachee relationship and the success of a coaching intervention in an organizational setting. Data were collected f...

Cites in Google Scholar: 624
Building successful leadership coaching relationships: Examining impact of matching criteria in a leadership coaching program.

L Boyce, R Jackson, L Neal Journal of Management Development 2010

Purpose – This paper aims to employ a conceptual model to examine the relationship processes and mediating role of client‐coach relationship between client‐coach match criteria and coaching outcomes to advance the understanding of client‐coach relationship's impact on leadership coaching. Design/methodology/approach – Data collected ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 384
Executive coaching in practice: What determines helpfulness for clients of coaching.

de Haan. E., V Culpin, J Curd Personnel Review 2011

Purpose – Executive coaching is gaining in popularity, both as part of personal or organisational development programmes and as a tailored form of individual consulting. The purpose of this study is to examine how various aspects of the executive coaching intervention make a difference to the clients of coaching themselves. Design/meth...

Cites in Google Scholar: 356
Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool: Effects on productivity in a public agency.

G Olivero, K Bane, R Kopelman Public personnel management 1997

Examined the effects of executive coaching in a public sector municipal agency. 31 managers underwent a managerial training program, which was followed by 8 wks of 1-on-1 executive coaching. Training increased productivity by 22.4%. The coaching, which included goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory i...

Cites in Google Scholar: 801
The influence of character: Does personality impact coaching success.

M Kerrin, S Palmer, L Stewart, H Wilkin International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008

Using the Five Factor Model of personality and the construct general self efficacy this study explores the relationship between coaching clients’ personality and a self-report measure of the transfer of learning from coaching to the workplace. Positive correlations are found between the application of coaching development and conscientio...

Cites in Google Scholar: 153
Can working with an executive coach improve multisource feedback ratings over time? A quasi-experimental field study

J Smither, M London, R Flautt, Y Vargas, I Kucine Personnel Psychology 2003

This study examined the effects of executive coaching on multisource feedback over time. Participants were 1,361 senior managers who received multisource feedback; 404 of these senior managers worked with an executive coach (EC) to review their feedback and set goals. One year later, 1,202 senior managers (88% of the original sample) rece...

Cites in Google Scholar: 659
Coaching, goal-setting and personality type: what matters?

A Scoular, P Linley The Coaching Psychologist 2006

The study subjected two ‘sacred cows’ in coaching, goal-setting, and the use of personality instruments, to empirical testing. In an experimental between-subjects design (N=117) with two conditions, goal-setting and non-goal-setting, coaching occurred under standardised procedures, and both coach and coachee completed the MBTI and NEO-...

Cites in Google Scholar: 93
Career benefits associated with mentoring for proteges: a meta-analysis.

T Allen, LT Eby, ML Poteet, E Lentz, L Lima Journal of applied psychology 2004

Meta-analysis was used to review and synthesize existing empirical research concerning the career benefits associated with mentoring for the protege. Both objective (e.g., compensation) and subjective (e.g., career satisfaction) career outcomes were examined. Comparisons of mentored versus nonmemored groups were included, along with relat...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3050
Marginal mentoring: The effects of type of mentor, quality of relationship, and program design on work and career attitudes

BR Ragins, J Cotton, J Miller Academy of Management Journal 2000

Employing a national sample of 1,162 employees, the authors examined the relationship between job and career attitudes and the presence of a mentor, the mentor's type (formal or informal), the quality of the mentoring relationship, and the perceived effectiveness and design of a formal mentoring program. Satisfaction with a mentoring rela...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1857
Citations (7 in Portal)
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An ethnographic study of the introduction of internal supervisors to an internal coaching scheme

M Robson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

Coach supervision is a current topic. With the support of the coaching bodies, supervision is increasingly regarded as a requirement to practice as a coach. However, the evidence base. There is little research that has focused specifically upon the supervision of internal coaches, this in spite of the reported growth in their use by organ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 12
The rise of coaching supervision 2006–2014

P Hawkins, E Turner Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

This paper compares the research on coaching supervision, carried out by Eve Turner and supported by Peter Hawkins in 2014, with the research done by Hawkins and Schwenk carried out in 2006. This research comparison shows that while there has been an enormous growth in the percentage of coaches having supervision, there is wide diversity ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 50
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Ethical dilemmas and tricky decisions: A global perspective of coaching supervisors’ practices in coach ethical decision-making

E Turner, J Passmore International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018

This paper examines ethical dilemmas and tricky decision-making among coaching supervisors internationally. Supervisors were selected for the first study in this wider project due to the pivotal role they play in coaching practice and the resolution of ethical dilemmas. The research reveals that ethical decision-making is an under-develop...

Cites in Google Scholar: 35
How coaching supervisees help and hinder their supervision : A Grounded Theory study

L Sheppard 2016

Coaching supervision is an emerging profession with a need of developing its knowledge base. However, there is a lack of understanding of the supervision process from the coaching supervisees’ perspective, a crucial element without which issues and debates about coaching supervision are incomplete. Furthermore, although most of the profes...

Cites in Google Scholar: 10
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Development insights: the learning journeys of highly experienced coach supervisors

N de Estevan-Ubeda International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018

Coaching supervision is a developing profession, yet little is known about the development of supervisors after their training. This study aimed to add to the empirical literature on coach supervisor development and contribute to supervision practice by providing insights which may inform other supervisors. A qualitative study was designe...

Cites in Google Scholar: 9
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Discovering the ‘modern maestro’: The importance of a professional industry pedigree and aspects of coaching and mentoring within the supervision of music undergraduates

A Armour International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

The case study reported in this paper explored the aspects of coaching and mentoring theory and practice used in the supervision of undergraduate students at a London music school. It used coded analysis of interviews with tutors, students, and academic administrators to conclude that supervisors who are also highly experienced profess...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
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Discovering the ‘modern maestro’: The importance of a professional industry pedigree and aspects of coaching and mentoring within the supervision of music undergraduates

A Armour International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

and practice used in the supervision of undergraduate students at a London music school. It used coded analysis of interviews with tutors, students, and academic administrators to conclude that supervisors who are also highly experienced professional musicians, often use a directive and challenging style of intervention, influenced by t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
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