References (22 in Portal)
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G Dai, MKP De Korn/Ferry Institute 2009
While executive coaching has increased markedly during recent years, the professional application of coaching, our understanding of when to use coaching, and the evaluation of its effectiveness has lagged far behind. The purpose of the current study is to review empirical studies on executive coaching in the literature, synthesize their f...
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D Gray Management Learning 2006
Coaching is emerging as a major professional development and performance enhancement process. There are, however, few professional development programmes aimed at coaches themselves, and no internationally recognized qualification or professional standard. Much of the literature on coaching has been written by those with a human psycholog...
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J Blattner, V Hart, S Leipsic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001
This article reports a study of current perceptions among professionals regarding therapy and coaching. Whereas therapy and counseling have been traditional fields of study and practice, coaching is not as well developed. It is helpful to examine the perceptions of practicing professionals in order to delineate the distinctions and overla...
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R Kaiser, R Kaplan The Academy of Management Learning & Education 2006
Often overlooked in management theory and education, how leaders function in an intrapersonal sense—the “inner game” of leadership—is pivotal. We develop this idea in a specific application by describing how psychological wounds sensitize executives to be anxious about getting hurt again. These vigilant and unconscious concerns distort pe...
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R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004
This article makes the major point that events, feelings, thoughts, and patterns of behavior that are outside of the conscious awareness of executives can significantly influence what they decide and how they act. It provides a succinct overview of the conflict and object relations approaches to understanding psychodynamics and embeds the...
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H Levinson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996
Executive coaching requires the ability on the part of the coach to differentiate coaching from psychotherapy while using basic psychological skills and insights. It is usually short term and issue focused. At high executive levels, its success depends heavily on the consultant's knowledge about contemporary management and political issue...
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D MacKie Australian Psychologist 2007
To date there have been no universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a successful outcome in executive coaching. This has been partly a function of the range of activities undertaken within the coaching medium and partly the fact that commercial realities mitigate against controlled trials teasing out mediating and moderating var...
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J McGovern, M Lindemann, M Vergara, S Murphy, L Barker, R Wa... Manchester Review 2001
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J Passmore Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2007
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J Passmore, C Gibbes International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
This paper asks the question; what do coaching psychologists bring to the developing market of executive coaching? While psychologists are trained in human behaviour, this paper argues that their real unique contribution may be their ability to undertake high quality research. The paper moves to summarise executive coaching research to da...
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J Smither, M London, R Reilly Personnel Psychology 2005
We review evidence showing that multisource feedback ratings are related to other measures of leadership effectiveness and that different rater sources conceptualize performance in a similar manner. We then describe a meta-analysis of 24 longitudinal studies showing that improvement in direct report, peer, and supervisor ratings over time...
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M Kerrin, S Palmer, L Stewart, H Wilkin International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008
Using the Five Factor Model of personality and the construct general self efficacy this study explores the relationship between coaching clients’ personality and a self-report measure of the transfer of learning from coaching to the workplace. Positive correlations are found between the application of coaching development and conscientio...
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S Kampa-Kokesch, M Anderson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001
The author would like to indicate that unfortunately, Peterson’s (1993) dissertation on executive coaching outcomes was excluded from the original literature review conducted by Kampa-Kokesch and Anderson (2001). Later, Kampa and White (2002) stated that Peterson’s (1993) dissertation was excluded due to the programmatic nature of the coa...
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R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996
A review of the literature on coaching reveals that very little empirical research has focused on the executive coaching methods used by consultants with managers and leaders in organizations. Within the framework of a 17-dimensional model of systems and psychodynamic theory, the author provides an overview of a conceptual approach to coa...
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R Kilburg American Psychological Association 2000
The unrelenting pace of business in modern organizations places constant pressure on employees, challenging the physical and emotional resources of both staff and supervisors. Consultants have become familiar with the survivalist mentality among workers, each struggling to improve production, solve intractable conflict, and chart realisti...
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B Joo Human Resource Development Review 2005
Executive coaching has become increasingly popular despite limited empirical evidence about its impact and wide disagreement about necessary or desired professional qualifications. This article examines the practice of executive coaching, investigating the useful underlying theories by reviewing previous research. It also provides a conce...
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JJH Stevens Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
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R Witherspoon, R White Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996
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M Darling HR Magazine 1994
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K Rancourt Training and Devlopment 1995
Focuses on several guidelines on how to perform an effective real-time coaching on a manager's performance. Asking the managers to submit a short list of goals for the session; Briefing of all the employees on how the process will work; Meeting with the manager before the start of the work day.
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T Kemp International Coaching Psychology Review 2008
Whilst there is growing interest within the emerging coaching psychology literature in exploring specific
coaching methods and their relative efficacies, little attention has been afforded the investigation of the
relationship itself that is formed between coach and client. In addition, any exploration of the personality,
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I McCormick, GS Burch Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008
The science of personality measurement in the workplace has developed a great deal in the past 2 decades, and the five-factor model (FFM) is generally recognized as the most notable taxonomy of "normal" personality. Meanwhile, coaching has become a well-established method of one-on-one leadership development in many organizations. Given t...
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E Nelson, R Hogan International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
Dysfunctional personality characteristics can derail the career of an otherwise competent executive. Personality predicts both leadership effectiveness and derailment, and assessment of these characteristics is critical for effective coaching and leader development. This paper reviews the relationship between personality and leadership an...
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