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References (5 in Portal)
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Toward a profession of coaching: Sixty-five years of progress and challenges for the future.

M Cavanagh, A Grant International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2004

The coaching industry has reached a key important point in its maturation. This maturation is being driven by at least three interrelated forces: (1) accumulated coaching experience; (2) the increasing entry of professionals into coaching from a wide variety of prior backgrounds; and (3) the increasing sophistication of management and ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 417
The impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition and mental health

A Grant Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 2003

Despite its high media profile and growing popularity there have been no empirical investigations of the impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition or mental health. This exploratory study used life coaching as a means of exploring key metacognitive factors involved as individuals move towards goal attainment. In a within-s...

Cites in Google Scholar: 882
Executive coaching: A comprehensive review of the literature.

S Kampa-Kokesch, M Anderson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

The author would like to indicate that unfortunately, Peterson’s (1993) dissertation on executive coaching outcomes was excluded from the original literature review conducted by Kampa-Kokesch and Anderson (2001). Later, Kampa and White (2002) stated that Peterson’s (1993) dissertation was excluded due to the programmatic nature of the coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 881
Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos.

R Kilburg American Psychological Association 2000

The unrelenting pace of business in modern organizations places constant pressure on employees, challenging the physical and emotional resources of both staff and supervisors. Consultants have become familiar with the survivalist mentality among workers, each struggling to improve production, solve intractable conflict, and chart realisti...

Cites in Google Scholar: 762
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Executive Coaching in Organisations: The Personal is the Professional

M Cavanagh, A Grant International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2004

Coaches sometimes make the case that executive, workplace and personal (life) coaching are substantially different coaching applications. Exploring these issues it is concluded that there are indeed considerable overlaps between the personal and the professional in relation to executive coaching in organisations. To be truly effective, ex...

Cites in Google Scholar: 33
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