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Research as "Expertising": A reading guide for practicing coaches

L Page Second ICF Coaching Research Sympsoium 2004

Practicing coaches have been challenged (Grant, 2004) to become both informed consumers and producers of research in order to establish coaching as a full profession. A model of “expertising” is presented as a guide to utilizing research to increase individual coaching mastery. Specific guidelines are introduced to make reading resear...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
1.15 MB
Adler’s Professional Coaching Certificate Program—Resolving the Paradox

M Sinclair, L Page International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2006

Founded in 1998 and accredited by International Coach Federation since 2002, the Professional Coach Certificate Program of Adler School of Professional Coaching assumes a dynamic tension between individual uniqueness and social embeddedness that drives creativity and, ultimately, contribution to a better world. The program draws on the li...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Thinking Outside Our Brains: Interpersonal Neurobiology and Organizational Change

L Page International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2006

Organizational coaching and coaching in general draw on a number of different fields and academic disciplines. There is another field of study that integrates several disciplines. stimulated by the past decade of intense brain research, this field is called “interpersonal neurobiology” (Siegel, 1999). by showing that our brain processes a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
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