Handbook of Coaching Psychology
S Palmer, A Whybrow Routledge 2008
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Limited research attention has been paid to influences on executive coaching effectiveness. This study explores whether a relationship exists between the Five Factor Model of personality and coachee perceptions of effectiveness of executive coaching. Thirty coachees completed a cross sectional survey measuring personality using scales fro...
This article discusses how coaching and mentoring can be integrated and work together as systematic tools for leadership development. The author draws on psychotherapy as a parallel for practitioner research and posits five validation hypotheses for coaching and mentoring. Arguably coaching is not sufficient to develop leaders, but a usef...
The paper explores the rationale for, and potential benefits of, the inclusion of a coaching psychology module in an undergraduate psychology programme. In 2010 a coaching psychology module was introduced at Glasgow Caledonian University, as an optional module for final year psychology degree students. Although providing a strong acade...
This article provides a response to the paper presented in the previous issue by Burch & Houkamau, which discusses the important issue of cultural sensitivity in coaching, and identifies a number of steps in developing ‘authentic multi-cultural sensitivity’. This paper takes the discussion further and describes a possib...
Coaching that originated in the sports field has been attracting attention from the business community in Japan, and practical activities have been actively taking place. Academic research on coaching however remains scarce. The present study aimed to collect preliminary data that can be used for the future development of coaching ps...
Several surveys to date have proven not only the value of coaching and coaching psychology, but also the increase in its popularity. In more recent years there has also been an increase in what we now call ‘internal coaching’ by accredited coaches within organisations. Changes in the world around us and the learning and development landsc...
The rapidly growing field of coaching has permeated a variety of social science disciplines over the last 40 years, including social work. Because social work continues to evolve in its service to diverse populations with wide-ranging needs, its flexibility has allowed for the inclusion of a variety of progressive treatment approaches suc...
In this paper, we examine coaching’s innovativeness through a comparison of its approaches and methods with those of more established helping professions. Using extant literature, we consider the nature of innovation before going on to examine coaching’s core beliefs and values, theoretical paradigms, and its goals, techniques, and method...
This research focused on the coaching practices of internal coaches in a multimedia organisation. Survey questions were sent to 135 clients who had completed the ‘Coaching Programme’ since its inception. Although a pure style of coaching proved to be most effective in enabling clients to achieve their objectives, applying a blended style ...
The rapidly growing field of coaching has permeated a variety of social science disciplines over the last 40 years, including social work. Because social work continues to evolve in its service to diverse populations with wide-ranging needs, its flexibility has allowed for the inclusion of a variety of progressive treatment approaches suc...
In this article I seek to elaborate a model of existential coaching psychology that is both grounded in existential phenomenological philosophy but also informed by work in coaching. To date, many attempts to develop an existential approach to coaching have – in my view – described an approach to coaching that is either indistinguishable ...
The speed and frequency of change in the world around us is mind boggling at times and people are struggling to find ways to cope with it. Organisations have to constantly reinvent themselves to keep up with this VUCA world, without much success at times, as it is a process of experimentation. This means that people are unable to transiti...