Workplace and executive coaching: A bibliography from the scholarly business literature.
A Grant John Wiley & Sons 2006
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This paper asks the question; what do coaching psychologists bring to the developing market of executive coaching? While psychologists are trained in human behaviour, this paper argues that their real unique contribution may be their ability to undertake high quality research. The paper moves to summarise executive coaching research to da...
In this study, the authors explore the effects of an executive coaching programme on important performance psychology variables (self-efficacy, causal attribution, goal setting, and selfdetermination). One hundred and forty-four executives and middle managers from a Fortune high-tech 500 company participated in the experiment over a pe...
This article is based on an interview that occurred early in 2005, between Christine McDougall and the interviewer, Cherie Kellahan. Cherie is one of Christine’s clients and was the head of Marketing for McDonalds Australia for many years. Her career change includes talk back radio. Christine agreed to be interviewed for several reasons. ...
This article aims to clarify executive coaching by describing the coaching process through an examination of relevant theory. Establishing a relationship based on mutuality between the coach and the coachee is central to the coaching process as we see it. For the coachee to achieve independence and greater control of his or her own learni...
In this study, the authors investigated the effects of a business coaching program on important performance psychological variables. One hundred and twenty seven executives and middle managers from a branch leading Fortune high-tech 500 company participated in an experiment over a period of one year. Findings indicate that there are signi...
One purpose of the present study was to develop and test the factor structure of a multidimensional and hierarchical instrument for measuring coaches’ competence called the Coach Competence Scale (CCS). Another purpose of the study was to validate the CCS through an inspection of the relation with the three psychological needs proposed by...
The purpose of this study is to develop a reference scale for coaching based on all ICF coaching competencies. It is through this scale that organizations can measure coaching performance to ensure the continuity of professional development in coaching.