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References (4 in Portal)
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When Shadows Fall: Using Psychodynamic Approaches in Executive Coaching.

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004

This article makes the major point that events, feelings, thoughts, and patterns of behavior that are outside of the conscious awareness of executives can significantly influence what they decide and how they act. It provides a succinct overview of the conflict and object relations approaches to understanding psychodynamics and embeds the...

Cites in Google Scholar: 199
Using psychoanalytic approaches in organizational consulting.

J Hunt, M McCollom Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1994

Explores the utility of applying psychoanalytic concepts and techniques to organizational issues. Similarities and differences between one-on-one therapy and individual-to-system consultation are examined in the light of the debate between positivist and interpretive models. From an interpretive perspective, 3 critical problems influencin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
A coach or a couch? A Lacanian perspective on executive coaching and consulting

G Arnaud Human relations 2003

At a time when competition in the workplace is becoming more and more individual, ruthless and widespread, managers are in turn being solicited more personally. That is why the market for psychologically oriented executive coaching is exploding nowadays. This article aims at extracting the main teachings of this change in perspective, in ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 169
Coach and couch: The psychology of making better leaders

MFR Kets de Vries, K Korotov, E Florent-Treacy Palgrave Macmillan 2007

The INSEAD Global Leadership Centre was founded and is directed by Professor Kets de Vries. This book is a volume of essays on leadership development topics. Drawing upon substantial research the book presents the essential leadership models and equips practitioners with tools for developing executive coaches and working with business lea...

Cites in Google Scholar: 172
Working With Symbolic Transference: A Lacanian Perspective on Executive Coaching

S Vanheule, G Arnaud The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2016

The present study explores how aspects of Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory can be applied to coaching, focusing on corporate dysfunction. Conceptually, the article starts from Lacan’s distinction between the registers of the Imaginary and the Symbolic, as outlined in his L-schema, and the concept of transference. It is argued that by...

Cites in Google Scholar: 16
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